The Delines
Retro country soul from Willy Vlautin, Amy Boone, Sean Oldham, Freddy Trujillo and Cory Gray who are releasing their 3rd lp, The Sea Drift, Feb 11th, 2022.
ID: 2527927105
http://thedelines.com/ 27-05-2014 17:26:44
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The Delines being totally amazing last night. Also Willy reading from his new novel earlier i.e. yes, it was basically a day of me stalking him around Waterford! Really great to get to chat. I think it's Galway today and Dublin tmrw - highly recommended.

Tonight The Delines live at Dublin Pepper Canister Church, tickets on the door and advance here gigantic.com/the-delines-ti… Sea Drift in Uncut Magazine best albums of 2022. Manchester Deaf Institute Thurs and London Alexandra Palace Theatre Friday Singular Artists Hey! Manchester

Thursday night we finally return to Manchester after years away at the Deaf Institure with ARBORIST ! Hey! Manchester The Deaf Institute Tickets: heymanchester.com

TOMORROW: The Delines return! This time, to The Deaf Institute - with support from ARBORIST. Read more, listen and book now: heymanchester.com/the-delines-3

#Manchester! Looking forward to heading to the The Deaf Institute this evening, first chance to catch our new single #LostDuets live, with @ArboristMusic ready to open the stage. See you there! Final tickets: bit.ly/3UmliI6

What a wonderful venue! The Deaf Institute #Manchester, thanks for having us. Tonight at London's @YourAllyPally Theatre. Seated in a stunning auditorium, final tickets: bit.ly/3HLc3Km Thanks to all who are sharing photos from the tour! 📸 @Alwyn_Davies & @SeanBechhofer

We couldn't be happier, Gideon Coe from BBC Radio 6 has just put The Sea Drift as his Album Of The Year! bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00… BBC Radio 6 Music Gideon Coe

Hi folks, bandcamp Friday is here and we have 3 shirt designs plus special prices on the Sea Drift as well as vinyl stock on our first two lps! all here thedelines.bandcamp.com/merch decor records Jealous Butcher

Thank you Mondo Sonoro Espania for putting The Sea Drift at number in in your albums of the year mondosonoro.com/blog-musica/me…

We have a brand new BBC6 Gideon Coe session broadcast tonight featuring a new Christmas track exclusive to his show. Gideon made The Sea Drift his 'Album of the Year', tune in at 9pm here bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00… Gideon Coe BBC Radio 6 Music

Our new Christmas song and session will shortly be broadcast on the Gideon Coe BBC6Music programme, tune in for 9pm GMT. bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00… BBC Radio 6 Music Gideon Coe decor records

Thank you to Americana UK for being your top album of 2022 americana-uk.com/americana-uks-… via americanaUK decor records

Hope everybody had a great Christmas, we are featured this week on BBC6 Music thanks to Gideon Coe BBC Radio 6 Music decor records you can pick up The Sea Drift at all good record stores decor.limitedrun.com or in the US jealousbutcher.com or AUS/NZ lovepolice.com.au/records