Than S. Kyaw, PhD
MD/PhD trainee @UCSF; aspiring urological surgeon-scientist; obsessed with the microbiome and love boba 🧋
ID: 1030978594149789696
19-08-2018 00:43:46
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BREAKING NEWS-UC San Francisco transfuses first unit of #COVID19 #convalescentplasma into critically ill ICU pt using donor #antibodies from pt who successfully recovered. Amazing teamwork with Ashok Nambiar from UCSF Health bloodbank & inspiring study staff, PharmDs, RNs. #ALLIN

Genomic Toolkit for Dissection of Intractable Human Gut #Bacteria: Jordan Bisanz Peter Turnbaugh construct paired isolate & genome library for Eggerthella lenta & Coriobacteriia (prevalent in #microbiota), w/ tools to uncover effectors of #metabolism &fitness cell.com/cell-host-micr…

BREAKING NEWS-#Gilead announces donation of ENTIRE supply of #remdesivir for #COVID19 to #US government who will then redistribute--1.5 million vials enough to treat up to 200,000 pts. Getting ready UCSF Health. #ThankYou Gilead! #ALLIN More here-tinyurl.com/y9lfoqej

Can the #microbiome control drug absorption? Than S. Kyaw, PhD and I discuss in our new #OpenAccess perspective ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cp…

OUT NOW 👉 Host and gut bacteria share metabolic pathways for anti-cancer drug metabolism, by Peter Turnbaugh Than S. Kyaw, PhD et al, with UC San Francisco The Benioff Center for Microbiome Medicine at UCSF UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Ctr nature.com/articles/s4156…

When the wild wind of inflammation blows, only TP53-mutant trees resist and thrive 🌬️ 🍃 Out Nature Genetics, Alba Meira Adam Mead et al report how chronic inflammation promotes selective expansion of TP53-mut cells, leading to an aggressive leukemia. #sciart #scicomm 1/

A double-header out now with our amazing clinical collaborators UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Ctr Erin Van Blarigan Sor Piawah Than S. Kyaw, PhD looking at the microbiome in cancer survivors sciencedirect.com/science/articl… and with respect to health disparities mdpi.com/2072-6694/15/1…

So proud of our UCSF School of Medicine student Than S. Kyaw, PhD who won BEST POSTER for our study on prenatal care utilization among fetuses with spina bifida. 👉🏼 1 in 5 lacked sufficient prenatal care, associated with non-private insurance. Lots more work to do in this vulnerable population!

Happy to see it live!! Many thanks to my amazing coauthors and awesome mentors Peter Turnbaugh Jordan Bisanz cell.com/iscience/fullt…

Urology + Microbiome = 💕❤️🔥 Very thankful for awesome co-authors and mentors Nathan M. Shaw Benjamin Breyer Lindsay Hampson goldjournal.net/article/S0090-…

Pizza & beer to celebrate a productive and fun month with our SubIs Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Urology 🍕 🍺 Best of luck on your residency applications! 🍀 Alicja Tomaszewski Daniel Shats Mia Rose Schmolze Than S. Kyaw, PhD