Terry Sheehan (@terrysheehanmp) 's Twitter Profile
Terry Sheehan


MP for the riding of Sault Ste. Marie. PS to the Minister of Labour | Député de la circonscription de Sault Ste. Marie. SP au Ministre du Travail

ID: 3363252329

calendar_today06-07-2015 23:09:28

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683 Following

Chrystia Freeland (@cafreeland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Le Canada prend de fortes mesures aujourd’hui pour mieux protéger ses travailleurs et leur donner une chance équitable, en particulier dans les secteurs de l'automobile, des pièces pour automobiles, de l'acier et de l’aluminium. Pour en savoir plus : canada.ca/fr/ministere-f…

Le Canada prend de fortes mesures  aujourd’hui pour mieux protéger ses travailleurs et leur donner une chance équitable, en particulier dans les secteurs de l'automobile, des pièces pour automobiles, de l'acier et de l’aluminium. Pour en savoir plus : canada.ca/fr/ministere-f…
Chrystia Freeland (@cafreeland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Canada is taking strong action today to further protect our workers—particularly in the auto, auto parts, steel, and aluminum sectors—and to level the playing field. Learn more: canada.ca/en/department-…

Canada is taking strong action today to further protect our workers—particularly in the auto, auto parts, steel, and aluminum sectors—and to level the playing field. Learn more: canada.ca/en/department-…
Terry Sheehan (@terrysheehanmp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I come from a steel town. I’m the Co-Chair of the all party Steel Caucus. When it comes to protecting the steel industry & steelworkers — I’m unwavering. And so is our government.

I come from a steel town. I’m the Co-Chair of the all party Steel Caucus.

When it comes to protecting the steel industry & steelworkers — I’m unwavering. And so is our government.
Terry Sheehan (@terrysheehanmp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We promised to make historic investments in Public Transit. Promise Made Promise Kept Hail to the bus drivers! Hail to the mechanics! Hail to all workers! Happy Labour Day! Trudeau makes stop in the Sault to visit Sault Transit - WITH PHOTO GALLERY saultstar.com/news/trudeau-m…

Terry Sheehan (@terrysheehanmp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sault Ste Marie’s steel industry is the envy of the world. Our transportation is ever improving with a new transit fleet. Housing being built at record pace. & after last week’s tariff on Chinese dumped steel, we’re doubling down & protecting 🇨🇦 jobs.

Sault Ste Marie’s steel industry is the envy of the world. 

Our transportation is ever improving with a new transit fleet.

Housing being built at record pace. 

& after last week’s tariff on Chinese dumped steel, we’re doubling down & protecting 🇨🇦 jobs.
Terry Sheehan (@terrysheehanmp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Responsible investments' helps Sault and Canada grow: Trudeau #frontpagestoday #saultnews #saultstemarie #sault saultstar.com/news/exclusive…

Responsible investments' helps Sault and Canada grow: Trudeau  

#frontpagestoday #saultnews #saultstemarie #sault 

Terry Sheehan (@terrysheehanmp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you Connie, Save Our Young Adults (SOYA) & all those in our community that are working to save lives from Overdoses. #IOAD2024 #TogetherWeCan #saultstemarie

Thank you Connie, Save Our Young Adults (SOYA) & all those in our community that are working to save lives from Overdoses.  #IOAD2024 #TogetherWeCan #saultstemarie
Terry Sheehan (@terrysheehanmp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Honoured to be a flag bearer for the Grand Entry at the Batchewana First Nation Pow Wow! Chi Miigwech  to Chief McCoy, Elders, Veterans, Dancers, Drummers, organizers, MC & all the vendors! And it was great seeing so many friends and relatives!

Honoured to be a flag bearer for the Grand Entry at the Batchewana First Nation Pow Wow! 

Chi Miigwech  to Chief McCoy, Elders, Veterans, Dancers, Drummers, organizers, MC & all the vendors!

And it was great seeing so many friends and relatives!
Terry Sheehan (@terrysheehanmp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Workers built this country. We stand with workers - today, everyday. Happy Labour Day. 🇨🇦 And a very happy 65 th anniversary to the Sault and District Labour Council. #HappyLabourDay

Workers built this country. We stand with workers - today, everyday.

Happy Labour Day. 🇨🇦

And a very happy 65 th anniversary to the Sault and District Labour Council.

Terry Sheehan (@terrysheehanmp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks, Unifor, for having me speak to your members at the National Retired Workers Council. This is some crowd. Our government stands side by side with you. You could count on it. #StopPoilievre

Thanks, Unifor, for having me speak to your members at the National Retired Workers Council. This is some crowd.

Our government stands side by side with you. You could count on it.

Terry Sheehan (@terrysheehanmp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Regis you are reunited w Joanne in Heaven. Thanks for amazing mentorship when I was newly elected School Trustee in 1997 w the Huron Superior Catholic School Board Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board A very dear friend to my father Mike. Say hello for me. Thoughts & Prayers northwoodfuneral.com/tribute/detail…