Teresa Lamasters
Bariatric surgeon, champion of quality, wife, mother, friend, attended many swim meets, passionate about treating people with obesity
ID: 1008103683740102656
16-06-2018 21:47:02
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Tonight at 6 pm EDT! #Tirzepitide + incretin drugs for obesity. How will they affect Bariatric surgery? Join us at pbgrandrounds.org Ania M. Jastreboff, MD, PhD Teresa Lamasters ASMBS IFSO American Diabetes Association - DiabetesPro Encore Medical Education Pennington Biomedical Research Center Neil Floch MD Jaime Ponce MD Shanu Kothari

Great presentation about #Tirzepatide and other anti-obesity drugs by Ania M. Jastreboff, MD, PhD and discussion by our panelists Teresa Lamasters and Vivian Fonseca MD! To view again Go To pbgrandrounds.org ASMBS IFSO The Obesity Society American Diabetes Association - DiabetesPro Pennington Biomedical Research Center

Top-5 Article from March: Anti-obesity medications are becoming increasingly efficacious and tolerable. generalsurgerynews.com/In-the-News/Ar… Sriram Machineni MD Teresa Lamasters #bariatricsurgery #surgery #obesity

It was my honor to be included in The Tennesse State Chapter ASMBS. A great meeting with great people! Dr. Jenny Weaver Jaime Ponce MD Wayne English, MD ASMBS

📢 Exciting news! Dive into the latest BJS Lecture from the International Bariatric Club's annual meeting. Teresa LaMasters sheds light on surgeon burnout and its implications for patient safety. 🎥✨ 🔗bjsacademy.com/international-… #SurgeonWellness International Bariatric Club Teresa Lamasters