Twanda_OrlandoDT (@torlandodt) 's Twitter Profile


Sprint District Trainer in the South Beast!

ID: 1108409885853650947

calendar_today20-03-2019 16:48:04

231 Tweet


141 Following

Twanda_OrlandoDT (@torlandodt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#LatePost Challenged team Apopka and they showed up and showed out! Thanks Annetta Kittel @AholleyASM7378 Jenn Rosell for empowering me to help drive sales! Special congrats to Emily with #Batb in January, and the winner of My special prize for her APH RESULTS! Let’s do it again!

Challenged team Apopka and they showed up and showed out! Thanks <a href="/KittelAnnetta/">Annetta Kittel</a> @AholleyASM7378 <a href="/JROSELL01/">Jenn Rosell</a> for empowering me to help drive sales! Special congrats to Emily with #Batb in January, and the winner of My special prize for her APH RESULTS! Let’s do it again!
Jenn Rosell (@jrosell01) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Shout out to my team going BACK 2 BACK #1 in NFL, GAB &Top 10 in the company for January!! Proud of how far we’ve come!! Thanks Samir Boulos for dropping some knowledge!! We are ready for a Fantastic February 🔷🔷🔷 #payingrenteveryday #24forever #OWestforthewin #w

Shout out to my team going BACK 2 BACK #1 in NFL, GAB &amp;Top 10 in the company for January!! Proud of how far we’ve come!! Thanks <a href="/Samir_fl/">Samir Boulos</a> for dropping some knowledge!! We are ready for a Fantastic February 🔷🔷🔷 #payingrenteveryday #24forever #OWestforthewin #w
Twanda_OrlandoDT (@torlandodt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Owest! #OWest! #OWest!! Amazing Rally this morning Jenn Rosell!! Recognizing top performers, going over key initiatives and hyping the team up to be #1 Annetta Kittel @chris_tinavelez wpsprintbeast Holly Ramos @Gilkasprint @R_Moreno78

Twanda_OrlandoDT (@torlandodt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our Newest #sprintsfam have arrived! Thanks to @Briannc88 @cabreu_sprint for coming in today and talking to the team! We also had our Sales Leaders come by and y’all about Fraud! wpsprintbeast @robins_eclamene #stc #sprintfundamentals

Our Newest #sprintsfam have arrived! Thanks to @Briannc88 @cabreu_sprint for coming in today and talking to the team! We also had our Sales Leaders come by and y’all about Fraud! <a href="/Yasmin49837406/">wpsprintbeast</a> @robins_eclamene #stc #sprintfundamentals
Tofik Abdullah (@tmobiletoe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My @EastonStore team having all the positive vibes without me. That looks like good CLEAN fun!! Get it? @BKnollSprint @ChappySprint @MASprintAmy @SprintLumia @tracySprint #Sprint PURELL Brand

Twanda_OrlandoDT (@torlandodt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

::::: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ::::: Orange County Government has prepared Rental Assistants for those who are dealing with hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please see link below for additional information.…

Twanda_OrlandoDT (@torlandodt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations!!!! 🎉 so proud of u, so much positivity to focus on during all this Corona madness, Jericka, u are a great reminder of this! Keep working hard it pays off! #sprintfam #nfl Michel Combes @tracySprint Holly Ramos #shedidit

Tracy E. Nolan (@tracynolan_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our #NewTMobile Area VP+ leadership team is SET and we’re ready to supercharge the SOUTH with Chris Green in Texas, Brad Nash in the Coastal South, and @sprintannie in Florida! 💗

Jon Freier (@jonfreier) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1/4 I believe it’s important to speak up. As a person of privilege, I don’t have the same experiences that many of my fellow Americans have had, or still have. The hurt, anger, fear, and hopelessness that so many African Americans are feeling right now just breaks my heart.