Sprint District Trainer in the South Beast!
ID: 1108409885853650947
20-03-2019 16:48:04
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#LatePost Challenged team Apopka and they showed up and showed out! Thanks Annetta Kittel @AholleyASM7378 Jenn Rosell for empowering me to help drive sales! Special congrats to Emily with #Batb in January, and the winner of My special prize for her APH RESULTS! Let’s do it again!

Shout out to my team going BACK 2 BACK #1 in NFL, GAB &Top 10 in the company for January!! Proud of how far we’ve come!! Thanks Samir Boulos for dropping some knowledge!! We are ready for a Fantastic February 🔷🔷🔷 #payingrenteveryday #24forever #OWestforthewin #w

#Owest! #OWest! #OWest!! Amazing Rally this morning Jenn Rosell!! Recognizing top performers, going over key initiatives and hyping the team up to be #1 Annetta Kittel @chris_tinavelez wpsprintbeast Holly Ramos @Gilkasprint @R_Moreno78

Thanks Michel Combes and 1-800-Flowers Granny loves her Valentine’s Day Flowers! 💐#sprintfam

Our Newest #sprintsfam have arrived! Thanks to @Briannc88 @cabreu_sprint for coming in today and talking to the team! We also had our Sales Leaders come by and y’all about Fraud! wpsprintbeast @robins_eclamene #stc #sprintfundamentals

My @EastonStore team having all the positive vibes without me. That looks like good CLEAN fun!! Get it? @BKnollSprint @ChappySprint @MASprintAmy @SprintLumia @tracySprint #Sprint PURELL Brand

Congratulations!!!! 🎉 so proud of u, so much positivity to focus on during all this Corona madness, Jericka, u are a great reminder of this! Keep working hard it pays off! #sprintfam #nfl Michel Combes @tracySprint Holly Ramos #shedidit