Tommy Lundberg (@tlexercise) 's Twitter Profile
Tommy Lundberg


I do research at the Div. of Clinical Physiology, Karolinska Institutet. PhD. instagram @tlexercise Book on Amazon: The Physiology of Resistance Training.

ID: 324268121

link calendar_today26-06-2011 09:05:01

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Sean Cumming PhD (@phd_sean) 's Twitter Profile Photo

An excellent study on bio-banding in ice hockey from John Lind Tommy Lundberg Erik Niklasson Daniele Cardinale | PhD that demonstrates very similar benefits for early and late maturing youth to those observed in soccer 👏🏒🇸🇪

Tommy Lundberg (@tlexercise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New study with Liam Sweeney and colleagues. We report that the selection of reference data significantly influences the classification of biological maturity timing in national youth soccer players. Some practical consequences of this are discussed.…

Tommy Lundberg (@tlexercise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The IOC asked for a solution. Here it is. Fair and safe eligibility criteria for women’s sport. I hope that this editorial is released as open access soon.…

Emma Hilton (@fondofbeetles) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“Rather than “policing female bodies,” screening followed by comprehensive follow-up in the rare cases that require extra consideration, with emphasis on the duty of care to every athlete, will ensure preservation of the female category for fair and safe sport.” Delighted to

Ross Tucker (@scienceofsport) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The IOC asked for solutions. Here is a paper with a brief description of ours. But it starts by recognizing the purpose of women's sport, and then that it needs protected boundaries that exclude male advantage. Screening then achieves fairness & safety:…

Jon Pike (@runthinkwrite) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New paper out from us. Here is how the IOC should do it. Thanks to Tommy Lundberg Ross Tucker and Emma Hilton for pulling this together. This is authoritative, widely supported, and defensible. And, especially for IOC MEDIA, DMs are open.

Kerry McGawley (@kerrymcgawley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A must-read, open-access editorial on "Fair and Safe Eligibility Criteria for Women's Sport", where we propose a realistic solution to the ongoing problem of male advantage present in women's sport.…

Swehockey (@swehockeyse) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hur ser sambandet mellan biologisk mognad och en framtida NHL-karriär ut? Det har en svensk studie, genomförd av Svenska Ishockeyförbundet och Karolinska Institutet, tagit reda på. 🗞️ Läs om forskningsstudien "Who Reaches NHL", på 👉

Hur ser sambandet mellan biologisk mognad och en framtida NHL-karriär ut? 
Det har en svensk studie, genomförd av Svenska Ishockeyförbundet och Karolinska Institutet, tagit reda på. 

🗞️ Läs om forskningsstudien "Who Reaches NHL", på 👉
Biology of Physical Activity (@jyubiolpa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We have "the father of lactate" legendary Professor George Brooks in our line-up! Please join us in Jyväskylä soon!…

We have "the father of lactate" legendary Professor George Brooks in our line-up! Please join us in Jyväskylä soon!…
Tommy Lundberg (@tlexercise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

”För att nå maximal talangutveckling måste så många som möjligt träna så mycket som möjligt, så länge som möjligt och på ett så gynnsamt sätt som möjligt.” Pretty spot on ⁦Patrik Brenning⁩…

Fotbollsmorgon (@fotbollsmorgon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

568. Pep ska fiska torsk Den norske förbundskaptenen Ståle Solbakken vill förbjuda konstgräs i Norge. Men hur ser man på frågan inom svensk elitfotboll? Vi ringer upp SEF:s sportchef Svante Samuelsson för att få svar på det. Sedan kommer Tommy Lundberg på besök. Han är docent

568. Pep ska fiska torsk

Den norske förbundskaptenen Ståle Solbakken vill förbjuda konstgräs i  Norge. Men hur ser man på frågan inom svensk elitfotboll? Vi ringer upp  SEF:s sportchef Svante Samuelsson för att få svar på det.

Sedan kommer Tommy Lundberg på besök. Han är docent
Tommy Lundberg (@tlexercise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Här rörligt material från Fotbollsmorgon och vår diskussion om talangutveckling imorse. Forskning visar: så bör ungdomsfotbollen selektera | Lundh från landslag...… via YouTube

Loughborough University (@lborouniversity) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Former World's Strongest Man, Eddie Hall, paid a visit to campus 💪 Scientists ran a series of strength tests and MRI scans and the findings show that Eddie’s lower-body muscle mass was almost twice (+96%) that of untrained men. Read more ➡️

Tommy Lundberg (@tlexercise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The International Canoe Federation is (still?) seeking highly qualified sports scientists or physiologists to join the working group on transgender policy.…

Tommy Lundberg (@tlexercise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The extreme lack of academic competence in many Swedish sports environments is staggering. There may be a few exceptions, but we still rely mainly on guesswork when it comes to developing athletes and talent.