"It's more than just a possibility; it's certainly a probability; and it's probably a certainty." John Ratcliffe, former DNI on lab origin
ID: 1146735031
04-02-2013 01:37:50
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Deport Foreign Criminals Every children’s ward in the uk, has long term patients, that are from cousin marriages 😢
RadioGenoa A Muslim girl was beaten by her brother... Why you ask? The day before, she was dancing on TikTok with no hijab on. Is this what you ladies want in your country?..
Dr. Maalouf Too little, too late....⁉️🤔⁉️ Main reasons why Islam is the fastest-breeding religion.... "1. Muslim women remain at home and their only job is to make babies. 2. Women marry younger than the world average, hence more years for production. 3. If you leave Islam, you are an