Anthro, GBV; pub health; air pollution; Phd@Brown Visiting Prof@FLAME. Prof of Practice @ Manipal Tweets personal. words @thewire_in @Indiaspend @scroll_in
ID: 2340669367
https://www.linkedin.com/in/sreeparnachattopadhyay/ 12-02-2014 17:13:29
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In the last 3 months, we (Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF)) faced a gap of ~3 Lakhs per month b/w our income & expenses. For the past 18 months (on & off), we've been relying on our savings. The dire reality of the situation is a constant worry for us all - a tiny team of 10 full-time staffers.

ANIIDCO sells milk, liquor & petroleum products & manages tourism resorts. Now, it is tasked with #GreatNicobar project. Pankaj Sekhsaria & I dig into its capacity to implement a mega project in a highly biodiverse, geologically vulnerable region that is home to indigenous communities

Forest rights activist Mahesh Raut has been jailed for 6+ years without a trial, despite Supreme Court judgments that bail, not jail, is the rule, giving priority to the right to life & liberty and a speedy trial even in terror cases Areeb Uddin writes article-14.com/post/the-supre…

Hello! It’s my birthday on the 7th so I have a request - I’m aiming to get some new members for Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF). They’ve supported us at Fridays For Future India & we’re so grateful so if you’ve learnt or benefited from my work, do consider becoming a member here internetfreedom.in/annual-members… (1/n)

Ryan Katz-Rosene, PhD "Pest insect" numbers surged, not all insects are bad. I hope people don't connect insect-child mortality directly, the real culprit is excess pesticide use.

After de-notifying Galathea Bay wildlife sanctuary citing 'peoples rights should be settled', Union govt declares it as a major port. To compensate for destruction of the sanctuary, they declared three other sanctuaries ***which tribal council opposed*** thenewsminute.com/news/tnm-exclu…

An important essay by Christianez Ratna Kiruba on #gendergap in #medicine.