Leveraging space assets & open innovation to co-design culturally relevant solutions for #ClimateAction
#Space4Innovation #IndigenousInnovation
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http://www.space4innovation.com 07-09-2020 16:10:35
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Our Titus Letaapo from #Samburu tribe reviewing the innovative solution submitted by #SamburuWaterWarriors #GEOWeek2023 Stay tuned for the #Award ceremony of the #Gaia4All #IndigenousHackathon #TheEarthTalks cc: Mohamed Omar Dr. Abdul Ghaffar #SahirKhan #EvaristoRamos

🤩 So proud of the #SamburuWaterWarrios team from the #Gaia4All #IndigenousHackathon Mohamed Omar Dr. Abdul Ghaffar #SahirKhan #EvaristoRamos 💙🌍💙 #TheEarthTalks #GEOWeek2023

You can now watch the recording of the lightning talk ⚡️NICFI Satellite Data Program, How collaboration drives impact🗣️ Thank you GEO Indigenous Alliance OpenForests Aidenvironment.org for joining KSAT Planet for this short, but very interesting, conversation!

🌍#IndigenousSolutionists Video Challenge #COP28UAE Showcase your #Indigenous ideas & solutions in a short video! 🤩 Win a chance to be featured at COP28 UAE 📆 Nov 28 - Dec 7 More info👇 geoindigenousalliance.com/indigenoussolu… youtu.be/9RojkEesMxA?fe… via YouTube Diana Mastracci Sanchez Space4Innovation

Big shoutout to ICS member Madison Shakespeare, proud saltwater Gadigal woman and Traditional Custodian, for developing this project in collaboration with Space4Innovation & GEO Indigenous Alliance Alliance. #IndigenousSolutionists #COP28UAE

Delighted to share the 1st #IndigenousSolutionists Prince Justin Ajinga Tanyi submission from Union Farms of Africa #UFA for #COP28UAE an AI-powered agribusiness group transforming the lives of rural #African farmers 📽️ Watch their incredible work on TikTok: tiktok.com/@union.farms.o…

Published today in Nature Communications: GPP increases during drought in Spring for about half the N. Hemisphere. Eddy flux & remote sensing capture the phenomenon, but terrestrial biosphere models have it reversed. nature.com/articles/s4146… Trevor Keenan Ben Zaitchik Jingfeng Xiao

Panel on Earth observations and climate risks and resilience included our very own Yana Gevorgyan, Dr Lisa-Maria Rebelo 🌎 🛰💧🇰🇪, and other GEO partners

COP28 UAE Michelle Catanzaro Wollotuka Space4Innovation GEO Indigenous Alliance On 10/12 ‘Indigenous-Led Climate Action: Democratizing Space Data for Planetary Wellbeing and Education’ will give attendees and international participants the opportunity to be part of a global Indigenous-led Yarning.

Join us at #COP28UAE for our session "Indigenous-Led Climate Action: Democratizing Space Data for Planetary Wellbeing and Education" 📅 Dec 10 ⏰ 10:00 – 11:00am 📍 Venue: Greening Education Hub, Mobility Pavilion, Al Erth Room #ErthZayed#MinistryofEducation وزارة التربية والتعليم

Join us on March 4 and learn more from the #NICFISatelliteDataProgram team, a wonderful selection of Program users - Mighty Earth 🌍, Repórter Brasil, SOS Orinoco - and Global Forest Watch. It is going to be great! 🤩 Planet KSAT Airbus Space NICFI World Resources Institute

"Water sustains us, not just physically but culturally and spiritually. It's at the heart of who we are as #Indigenous Peoples" #TitusLetaapo co-founder of GEO Indigenous Alliance Read more on our latest article on #WorldWaterDay2024 #Water4Peace Space4Innovation Link below 👇

Our founder Mario Vargas Shakaim #Shuar #Amazon about to give an intervention on #Indigenous led #EO tools at Food and Agriculture Organization webinar "Forests & trees building resilience: Concepts & cases from #LAC" bit.ly/3VBbfT0 Marggiori Pancorbo Diana Mastracci Sanchez

Our cofounder #MarioVargas #Shakaim on the benefits of #EO data and tools for #IndigenousPeoples FAO Forestry FAO Forestal