Siobhán Dowling (@siobhandowling) 's Twitter Profile
Siobhán Dowling


Dubliner/exBerliner. Editor @IPQuarterly
Previously: Editor @Spiegel_English @Handelsblatt. Bylines: @guardian @AJENews @nytimes @globalpost. she/her

ID: 88968182

calendar_today10-11-2009 16:51:57

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7,7K Following

Giovanni Tiso (@gtiso) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New rule: every time someone tweets "it's coming home", one artifact from the British Museum shall be return to the place it was stolen.

LCI (@lci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔴 "Nous retirerons nos candidats arrivés troisièmes lors d'un duel RN / LR ou majorité présidentielle" au deuxième tour des législatives, annonce Yannick Jadot ⤵️

Pippa Norris (@pippan15) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A useful explanation why any current seat projections in the 1st round French parliamentary elections need to be taken with a large pinch of sel.…

Emmanuelle Chaze (@emmanuellechaze) 's Twitter Profile Photo

While 12M of fascists voted for far-right candidates in France's 1st round of parliamentary elections, we in Kyiv were attacked eith missiles by French far-right sponsor Russia. Russia also destroyed a Nova Poshta warehouse in Kharkiv with a glide bomb, killing 1 & injuring 9.

While 12M of fascists voted for far-right candidates in France's 1st round of parliamentary elections, we in Kyiv were attacked eith missiles by French far-right sponsor Russia.

Russia also destroyed a Nova Poshta warehouse in Kharkiv with a glide bomb, killing 1 & injuring 9.
Agnes C. Poirier (@agnescpoirier) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Definitive results for the first round of #France elections. Four blocs : Hard-Right 33.9% Left&Hard-Left 30.9% Centrist 22% Right 10.2%

Denis MacShane (@denismacshane) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Emmanuel Macron + Rishi Sunak are Davos elite technocrats specialists in financial engineering who became national leaders sans political apprenticeship or learning the trade of politics by being elected at lower levels before taking top job. It shows. Steve Anglesey Brendan Walsh

Cat Headley (@cat_headley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My mum has sent me the pitch that the Reform candidate made to the great voters of Orkney via the local paper and it is WILD. Like a conspiracy theory bingo card.

My mum has sent me the pitch that the Reform candidate made to the great voters of Orkney via the local paper and it is WILD. Like a conspiracy theory bingo card.
Siobhán Dowling (@siobhandowling) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Keir Starmer has the most daunting task of any postwar Labour prime minister: the recovery of a comatose economy, a collapsing state, a cynical and exhausted electorate. The stakes could not be higher."

Lydia Wilson (@lsmwilson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As we wait for results from the French elections, Diane de Vignemont explores a fascinating parallel from the 1930s, when the left united in the face of rising fascism. For New Lines Magazine.…

Marine Tondelier (@marinetondelier) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ce soir, la justice sociale a gagné. Ce soir, la justice environnementale a gagné. Ce soir, le peuple a gagné. Et ça ne fait que commencer ! #VictoireNFP #ElectionsLegislatives2024

Giovanni Capoccia (@gcapoccia1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

UPDATED SEAT PROJECTIONS 🇫🇷: NFP: 172-205 Ensemble: 157-174 LR: 57-67 RN: 113-148 Same as earlier, more or less, but RN's maximum is yet again slightly lowered.

Marine Tondelier (@marinetondelier) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Calomnies, diffamations, voici les méthodes du Rassemblement national. Cela ne leur a pas réussi dans cette campagne. Au contraire, la gauche et les écologistes vont construire une France apaisée, rassemblée. Et ce sera sans eux. #Electionslegislative2024 #VictoireNFP

Denver Riggleman - Coalition of the Sane (@repriggleman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When I talk about those who lack the maturity to lead and are unserious — and use inflammatory rhetoric based on garbage — this is the example. Public servants must act like adults during times of crisis.

Siobhán Dowling (@siobhandowling) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dubliners, if someone was in town briefly and wanted to go for light food and cocktails with their 18 year old daughter... any recommendations? City center, Dun Laoighre or Blackrock.