Siobhán Dowling
Dubliner/exBerliner. Editor @IPQuarterly
Previously: Editor @Spiegel_English @Handelsblatt. Bylines: @guardian @AJENews @nytimes @globalpost. she/her
ID: 88968182
10-11-2009 16:51:57
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🔴 "Nous retirerons nos candidats arrivés troisièmes lors d'un duel RN / LR ou majorité présidentielle" au deuxième tour des législatives, annonce Yannick Jadot ⤵️

Emmanuel Macron + Rishi Sunak are Davos elite technocrats specialists in financial engineering who became national leaders sans political apprenticeship or learning the trade of politics by being elected at lower levels before taking top job. It shows. Steve Anglesey Brendan Walsh

As we wait for results from the French elections, Diane de Vignemont explores a fascinating parallel from the 1930s, when the left united in the face of rising fascism. For New Lines Magazine. newlinesmag.com/essays/the-fre…

Signed by AFP News Agency and dozens of other news organisations to demand access to the Gaza Strip