Sindre Langaas NIVA (@sindrelangaas) 's Twitter Profile
Sindre Langaas NIVA


Research Manager Water & Society, @NIVAforskning. Ex @LRFSverige Ex @LansstyrelseSTH Ex @KTHUniversity Ex @GRIDArendal

ID: 326165164

link calendar_today29-06-2011 13:48:57

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Mission Ocean Waters (@ourmissionocean) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📅4 - 8 March 2024 - European Ocean Days Organised for the first time in 2024, it will be a week of events related to European maritime topics. 🔗 Check this out to register and learn more about the events:

EU Council Press (@eucouncilpress) 's Twitter Profile Photo

❗ NOW available: Final compromise text on the revision of the urban wastewater treatment directive (#UWWTD) 🏙️💧 The text of the provisional agreement was endorsed by EU ambassadors in #COREPERI today. Find it at the bottom of this press release 👇!WgfmW8

Mission Ocean Waters (@ourmissionocean) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌊 The #MissionOcean Forum is in full swing! 🚀 Dive into discussions on aligning with EU programs and beyond for #marine conservation. Stay tuned for insights on restoring #ecosystems and fighting #pollution. 🌊 Can’t attend? Follow the livestream! 👉

🌊 The #MissionOcean Forum is in full swing! 🚀 Dive into discussions on aligning with EU programs and beyond for #marine conservation. Stay tuned for insights on restoring #ecosystems and fighting #pollution. 🌊
Can’t attend? Follow the livestream! 👉
Sindre Langaas NIVA (@sindrelangaas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Where next for Europe’s 🌊 seas? Today at the European Ocean Days some of us will have the privilege to explore the ocean future in an foresight exercise, rewarding for the priority setting of future knowledge & other needs. Mission Ocean Waters Charlina Vitcheva

Where next for Europe’s 🌊 seas?
Today at the European Ocean Days some of us will have the privilege to explore the ocean future in an foresight exercise, rewarding for the priority setting of future knowledge &amp; other needs. <a href="/OurMissionOcean/">Mission Ocean Waters</a> <a href="/vitcheva_eu/">Charlina Vitcheva</a>
Sindre Langaas NIVA (@sindrelangaas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Extremely proud of my colleagues Caroline Enge #IngvildSFuruseth (hidden), Line Johanne Barkved and #IsabelSeifertDähnn. Last evening they were awarded the NIVA Communication Prize for 2024 for their pioneering & popular webinar series Naturbasert Sone…

Extremely proud of my colleagues <a href="/cnenge/">Caroline Enge</a> #IngvildSFuruseth (hidden),      <a href="/linebarkved/">Line Johanne Barkved</a> and #IsabelSeifertDähnn. Last evening they were awarded the <a href="/NIVAforskning/">NIVA</a> Communication Prize for 2024 for their pioneering &amp; popular webinar series Naturbasert Sone…
Sindre Langaas NIVA (@sindrelangaas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sammen med NIVA kolleger; Froukje M. Platjouw, #SaskiaTrubbach & gunnar sander, uttrykker jeg bekymring for Oslofjordplanens og - rådets framtid pga. Andreas Bjelland Eriksen’s Chemring Nobel-håndtering, og som konsekvens - bekymring for Oslofjorden.…

Sammen med <a href="/NIVAforskning/">NIVA</a> kolleger; <a href="/FroukjePlatjouw/">Froukje M. Platjouw</a>, #SaskiaTrubbach &amp; <a href="/GunnarSander/">gunnar sander</a>, uttrykker jeg bekymring for Oslofjordplanens og - rådets framtid pga. <a href="/BjellandEriksen/">Andreas Bjelland Eriksen</a>’s  <a href="/Chemring/">Chemring</a> Nobel-håndtering, og som konsekvens - bekymring for Oslofjorden.…
Anders Iversen (@anders_om_vann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Vinneren av Vannprisen 2024 er Bent Christen Braskerud. Bent er en pådriver for den framtidige helhetlige vannforvaltningen som Norge trenger for å møte store samfunnsutfordringer som klimaendring og tap av biomangfold.…

Sindre Langaas NIVA (@sindrelangaas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A sub-set of Nature-based Solutions are the so-called Natural Small Water Retention Measures (NSWRM) often found in agricultural catchments. We at NIVA proudly engage in the OPTAIN project coordinated by UFZ, yet without any presentation at this webinar 30/4:

CrossGov Project 🇪🇺 #crossgovproject (@crossgovproject) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 Don't miss out on the marine conservation workshop, where Antti Belinskij & Suvi-Tuuli Puharinen from UEF Law School CCEEL will present CrossGov Project 🇪🇺 #crossgovproject #BalticSea and #Finnish pilots and talk about #policycoherence solutions at the local level. ℹ️ More info:

Anders Iversen (@anders_om_vann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Spennende hvordan folkelig engasjement og folkeforskning (med app) benyttes for å redde elvene i Storbritannia og Irland. Artikkel i the Guardian:… Nettsiden til Big River Watch:…

Spennende hvordan folkelig engasjement og folkeforskning (med app) benyttes for å redde elvene i Storbritannia og Irland.
Artikkel i the Guardian:…
Nettsiden til Big River Watch:…
GreenDeal-NET (@greendeal_net) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌊Can the EU harmonize offshore wind energy with marine biodiversity? Find out during our roundtable with Eloise Couffon, Dr. Antonia Leroy, Celine Frank, Alice Belin & Thorjørn Larssen on crafting an integrated EU ocean policy under the EGD. 🗓️16 May Register 👉…

🌊Can the EU harmonize offshore wind energy with marine biodiversity? Find out during our roundtable with <a href="/EloiseCouffon/">Eloise Couffon</a>, <a href="/AntoniaLeroy/">Dr. Antonia Leroy</a>, Celine Frank,  Alice Belin &amp; <a href="/thorjorn/">Thorjørn Larssen</a> on crafting an integrated EU ocean policy under the EGD.
🗓️16 May
Register 👉…
Oslo Region European Office (@oslo_region) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌊Our member NIVA is leading the Horizon Europe CrossGov Project 🇪🇺 #crossgovproject, and is organising, in collaboration with GreenDeal-NET and PERMAGOV EU, a digital roundtable on offshore renewable wind energy and biodiversity🇪🇺 Sign up for 16 May below! 👇

PREP4BLUE (@prep4blue) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢We are pleased to present a new #PREP4BLUE webinar series on 'Stakeholder engagement in Mission Ocean & Waters'🧑‍🤝‍🧑🌊 Three sessions will upskill participants on stakeholder engagement tools and methods. Primarily aimed at #MissionOcean CSAs! More info:

📢We are pleased to present a new #PREP4BLUE webinar series on 'Stakeholder engagement in Mission Ocean &amp; Waters'🧑‍🤝‍🧑🌊

Three sessions will upskill participants on stakeholder engagement tools and methods. Primarily aimed at #MissionOcean CSAs! More info:
Sindre Langaas NIVA (@sindrelangaas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fin sak i NRK om hvordan oseanografikollegaene i NIVA har utvikla et automatisert overvåkingssystem #FerryBox som i sanntid overfører miljødata om Oslofjordens og havets tilstand til #NIVA…