Shohei Furutachi
Postdoc at Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL
ID: 716687971320250370
03-04-2016 18:05:02
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We're hiring! Assistant Professor of Developmental Psychology UC Davis Psychology recruit.ucdavis.edu/JPF06660

FACULTY JOB | Dept of Anatomy & Neurobiology, UC Irvine UC Irvine We are excited to announce a new TT faculty search at the Asst/Assoc level. Emphasis is broadly on neural circuits. UCI has a fantastic neuroscience program, and I'm happy to answer Qs. Apply by 10/31: recruit.ap.uci.edu/JPF09237 Please RT

PI Recruitment 2024 RIKEN Center for Brain Science is a unique place to enjoy state-of-the-art facilities and collaborate with top researchers across natural sciences. Become part of a thriving, interdisciplinary community! cbs.riken.jp/en/careers/202… Hear from CBS faculty and join us at RIKEN CBS⬇️

Want to join Berkeley Neuroscience ? Our brand new Department of Neuroscience has its first search for an Assistant professor in Systems, Computational, and Cognitive Neuroscience. Apply now! aprecruit.berkeley.edu/JPF04581

📣NEURO FACULTY JOBS! 🧠 University of Oxford opened *2* positions for Associate Professors of Neuroscience! Come be our colleague! Applications due: noon, 18 Nov 2024 More info: my.corehr.com/pls/uoxrecruit… University of Oxford Department of Physiology Anatomy & Genetics (DPAG) Oxford Neuroscience Pembroke College St Hilda's College

New tenure-track faculty opening!! Assistant Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences University of Rochester Focus is on Human Cognition! The department is thriving with lots of collaboration with other departments/institutes (e.g., Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience) Apply here: apply.interfolio.com/153296