Shiva Bhandari
PhD Candidate, University of South Carolina | Research Assistant, Drivers of Food Choice Program, University of South Carolina @DFC_Program @USCArnoldSchool
ID: 1274008312401592321
https://driversoffoodchoice.org 19-06-2020 15:57:17
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Next Thurs join us & the Alliance Alliance To End Hunger for a panel of global food & nutrition experts who will discuss the effects of inequitable #foodsystems on #nutrition. Featuring Renata Micha, Stineke Oenema, jessfanzo & Asma Lateef! ➡️bit.ly/july23rt #NutritionEquity

Speakers include USC Arnold School of Public Health's @ceblakeRD, Wageningen U&R Environmental Policy, Wageningen UR Aeres Sigrid Wertheim-Heck presenting work from #Vietnam🇻🇳 & London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine LCIRAH Helen Walls + Luanar Mirriam Matita presenting work from #Malawi🇲🇼. Moderated by USC Arnold School of Public Health's Ed Frongillo. #BETHERE!!

#HOTOFFTHEPRESSES‼️The #scienceoffoodchoice-elaborated by none other than USC Arnold School of Public Health The Drivers of Food Choice Program‼️Thanks to all who have helped to make this happen‼️ Gates Foundation FCDO Agriculture Research FCDO Nutrition Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office @ceblakeRD London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine A4NH_CGIAR ⬇️⬇️⬇️ docdro.id/dFUFDYZ

What determines our food choices? Join us for discussions on this and much more at #foodchoices series,11th March #foodenvironment. Ngutu M UoN Anthropology & Gender, @iced_tea dalmaslomia, Agriculture, Nutrition & Health Academy

Missed yesterday's #webinar on changing human values & #foodchoices? Well, don't you worry, our pals at Agriculture, Nutrition & Health Academy have posted it for your viewing pleasure‼️ Thanks to all our speakers, organizers & participants for a fruitful discussion‼️ youtu.be/2kKU19HGn3M

#SaveTheDate‼️The Drivers of Food Choice Program + @anh_academy's #webinar 4⃣:"Drivers of #foodchoice in the context of changing #livelihoods"‼️ 🗓️TUE 13 APR 2021 ⌚️12PM GMT (8AM EDT) 🔗bit.ly/ANHDFC4 Gates Foundation FCDO Agriculture Research FCDO Nutrition USC Arnold School of Public Health @ceblakeRD CIFOR ILRI.org

#HOTOFFTHEPRESSES‼️ Congrats to University of South Carolina USC Arnold School of Public Health 's @ceblakeRD Ligia Reyes, PhD, MPH Shiva Bhandari @digjam23 for their newest work published. The Drivers of Food Choice Program is on 🔥🔥🔥 😆 Congrats also London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine NRI Christopher Turner 👏👏👏

#HOTOFFTHEPRESSES‼️Continuing with The Drivers of Food Choice Program's week of 🔥🔥🔥, new article from Solveig Argeseanu Cunningham 🌻 @NidaShaikh2909 Shailaja. Patil 🙏 & colleagues about #India🇮🇳 #publicdistributionsystem & changing #foodchoices‼️ Congrats 👏👏👏 Go 👉docdro.id/dnKW05Z

Arriving in your inbox now... the ANH Academy March newsletter! 🤩👋🏿📰 Read➡️bit.ly/2PNrpIX👀 Sign up➡️anh-academy.org/user/login✅ #ANH2021 #foodchoice #foodsystems #agriculture #nutrition #foodsecurity #UPAVAN LSHTM AMR Centre Columbia- WHO Center for Global Mental Health The Drivers of Food Choice Program UKRI GCRF Action Against Stunting Hub

#NEXTWEEK‼️ The Drivers of Food Choice Program + Agriculture, Nutrition & Health Academy FINAL #webinar "Drivers of #foodchoice in the context of changing #livelihoods" featuring speakers from USC Arnold School of Public Health Emory Public Health Emory Global Health Institute CIFOR & GAIN‼️ 🗓️TUE 13 APR 2021 ⌚️8AM EDT (12PM GMT) 🔗▶️ bit.ly/ANHDFC4

Last chance to join us & The Drivers of Food Choice Program for the last #foodchoice series webinar! 🗓️Tues 13 Apr 🔗bit.ly/ANHDFC4 🤩Ligia Reyes, PhD, MPH, Amy Webb Girard, Amy Ickowitz & Stella Nordhagen will present on changing #livelihoods in pastoral, indigenous & mining communities in 🇹🇿,🇮🇩&🇬🇳

Congrats The Drivers of Food Choice Program's Ligia Reyes, PhD, MPH @digjam23 Shiva Bhandari @ceblakeRD @PepijnSchrein Sigrid Wertheim-Heck Helen Walls Michelle Holdsworth Amos Laar Dr. Tuan Nguyen for their 🔥NEW PAPER🔥 on #foodenvironments/#foodsystems‼️ Gates Foundation FCDO Nutrition FCDO Agriculture Research USC Arnold School of Public Health