Shaindy Ort-Leifer
Lawyer. Hail from Lakewood Ihr HaKodesh
Live in Tel Aviv. Trying to make this world a little more humane. My better half @joshualeifer
ID: 1833593326072709120
10-09-2024 19:48:41
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I literally made a whole Twitter account just to say how much l loved talking to David/Dovid Bashevkin. What a masterful interviewer who asked all the right questions with nuance and sensitivity. Lakewood velt— listen! I’m really curious to hear what you all think.

So grateful that my better half Shaindy Ort-Leifer and I had the chance to talk with the brilliant David/Dovid Bashevkin on this podcast. It's a conversation about leaving and returning, the transformative power of obligation, and a lot more too. I hope you'll listen!

Doing a mini East-Coast book conversation tour this week! Tuesday 9/16: With Mark Oppenheimer at the Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale Wednesday 9/17: With Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz at Temple Emanuel in Newton, MA Thursday 9/18: With Jodi Rudoren at Bnai Keshet in Montclair, NJ