Área de conocimiento Tiroides de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición
ID: 1146052278484213762
http://www.seen.es/endocrinologia/areasConocimiento/areas.aspx?id=FjxXLEehNraKnQJsClDdNA%3d%3d 02-07-2019 13:45:30
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Disfunción tiroidea por inmunoterapia y supervivencia. Más datos desde Clínica Universidad de Navarra

🦋2024 European Thyroid Association Guidelines on diagnosis and management of genetic disorders of thyroid hormone transport, metabolism and action ✍️La sensibilidad alterada a las HT abarca trastornos del transporte, metabolismo y resistencia etj.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/… TiroSEEN

Thyroid biopsy results may be benign, cancer, or indeterminate. The Bethesda classification system helps you and your doctor understand how to plan treatment. American Thyroid Association ThyCa Inc. @TheEndo AACE #CheckYourNeck #EmpowerYourLife #ThyCa #ThyroidCancer #THYCAM2024

Low-risk thyroid cancer can be treated by removal of half or all of your thyroid. Your surgeon and endocrinologist will help you decide. American Thyroid Association ThyCa Inc. @TheEndo AACE #CheckYourNeck #ThyCa #ThyroidCancer #THYCAM2024

The Association between Lymphocytic Thyroiditis and Papillary Thyroid Cancer Harboring Mutant BRAF: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Thyroid®. Los Ca Papilar sobre Hashimoto tienen menos mutaciones BRAF y mejor pronóstico. Sociedad SEEN liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.108…

Uso de Thyroidprint. Documento de recomendaciones desde TiroSEEN Carles Zafon Riesco-Eizaguirre, G. MD PhD Carmela Iglesias