Seds Online
Seds Online - the worldwide hub for sedimentologists, provides an interactive, adaptable, accessible online community. Sponsored by @sedimentology (IAS).
ID: 1246092251694092288 03-04-2020 15:08:56
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If you are a MSc or PhD Student working on volcanic processes in the sedimentary record, I encourage you to present your results during the 9th Seds Online Student Webinar that is held on 24th April. Recruitment is open by 15th March:… #Seds_Online
Recording of the last Seds Online Webinar on coastal peatland systems is available ▶️ Feel invited to the March #Seds_Online Webinar where Daan Beelen will propose a new theory for the spontaneous formation of sand dunes🏜️…
The #Seds_Online Team invites to the March Webinar: Daan Beelen Daan Beelen Physical Geography - Utrecht University will talk us 'Why do sand dunes form? A geometric perspective'. 13th March at 4 pm (UK)👇
Today at 5pm CET, Daan Beelen from Physical Geography - Utrecht University will explain us 'Why do sand dunes form?': Are you planning to join? Feel invited and enjoy! If you cannot join us this afternoon, don't worry. This Webinar will be available on YouTube in a few days.
This week #Seds_Online invites to the May Webinar titled 'The role of sedimentology in the characterization of planetary field analogues' by Fulvio Franchi BIUST Botswana: 8th May at 4 pm UK