Sam Osborne
Proactive and theoretical research in ecology and farming, inspired by mega-herbivores and their influence on forest structures.
Everything is up for review.
ID: 1092360332205608960
04-02-2019 09:52:53
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Interested in Europe's former #wildwoods?🌳Our new study shows that #oak, #hazel & #yew were surprisingly abundant - much more than expected from #succession theory & conventional thinking on #climax #vegetation - besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/13… Journal of Ecology🍃🐂🌳 #skov #forest #woodland

RSPB Hope Farm Farm Wildlife Woodland Trust🌳 The Allerton Project Sam Osborne Straight-tusked elephants were present across Europe, including Great Britain up until about 28k ya. Their browsing prevented woodland canopies from closing. Without them, the job falls on us.

🔥New paper out in Science!!🔥 Science Magazine We found that a third of the seed dispersers and interactions face potential extinction, in Europe 🌿🌳🐦⬛🦆🌍 This was an incredibly challenging (and rewarding!) chapter of my PhD thesis! #seeddispersal science.org/doi/abs/10.112…