Sahar Sadoughi
Avid Coffee drinker and Ph.D Candidate @CityLawSchool researching Interstate Applications and Atrocity Crimes |Orchestra Manager @LDNlawyersmusic |Views my own
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https://www.city.ac.uk/people/research-students/sahar-sadoughi 04-06-2013 23:18:49
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BHRC yesterday made a formal written request to the Chief Prosecutor of the Int'l Criminal Court, Karim A. A. Khan KC, asking for a formal ‘preventative statement’ regarding the continuing escalation of the conflict in Israel and Palestine. Read the letter here: barhumanrights.org.uk/bhrc-makes-for…

So pleased to write this backgrounder on the International Court of Justice with the great Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, President of Carnegie Endowment. "The International Court of Justice’s Balancing Act" carnegieendowment.org/2024/01/26/int…

Where is Ministry of Justice? Reasonable to ask why #TheGambia has never returned to the #ICJ to seek new/modified provisional measures based on new facts, especially where violence by junta appears targeted at #Rohingya. There are also reasons to do so in terms of political visibility.

Thank you Institute for the Study of European Laws (ISEL) for the kind mention and opportunity to discuss this fantastic event!!