Campaigner | Proud Bosnian | Senior Partner @ Charlotte St Partners | Vice Chair, Beyond Srebrenica - genocide education | Trustee, Street Soccer
ID: 34299794
22-04-2009 15:21:47
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Huge thanks to Paul O’Kane MSP 🇺🇦 for hosting tonight’s event Scottish Parliament for Beyond Srebrenica highlighting the #education work across schools #inseperable Sabina
Our #Inseparable play is being shown at the Scottish Parliament tonight. Thankyou to Paul O’Kane MSP 🇺🇦 for sponsoring the event and for lodging a Parliamentary motion…
Grateful to be Scottish Parliament this evening with Beyond Srebrenica to meet Almasa again, hear her tell her own story & the importance of preserving the memory of the Bosnian genocide. Sneak preview of the play #Inseparable, a creative & powerful educational resource touring Scottish schools
A powerful evening Scottish Parliament w/ Beyond Srebrenica showcasing their school production “Inseparable” produced by Collingwood Learning - thanks Paul O’Kane MSP 🇺🇦 for sponsoring & to VC Sabina & Chair Julie Adair for hosting. Good to connect with others who have been part of previous delegations.
Excellent evening Scottish Parliament with Beyond Srebrenica & Collingwood Learning & their school production “Inseparable”. Thank you Paul O’Kane MSP 🇺🇦 for sponsoring & to all who took part esp chair @Julietadair & Sabina for hosting. So good to see & hear Almasa Salihovic. Powerful words!
It’s nights like tonight that remind you why you give up the hours, weekends and even holidays trying to share the message of Srebrenica. A powerful and emotional summary performance of #Inseperable followed by Almasa Salihovic s personal account of the genocide. 1/
Well done to Sabina and Julie Adair who did the heavy lifting for us ( I just paid the bills), to all that came along including Keith Brown Michael Marra MSP Maree Todd Maggie Chapman MSP and of course to our sponsor Paul O’Kane MSP 🇺🇦 8/
Great to be at the preview of Beyond Srebrenica's play #Inseparable last night. We looking forward to working together in Scotland ahead of the 30th anniversary of the genocide in Bosnia and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Tomorrow's front page of The National. We publish a timeline of a year of Israel's bombardment of Gaza. It's all here in black and white - the war crimes, murdered journalists, flattened hospitals, orphaned children. 7567 words, 42,000 deaths. Don't look away.