Sharing strategies and resources on social-emotional learning for parents, educators, & mental health professionals.
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http://www.SELearningEDU.wordpress.com 31-01-2018 23:57:25
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Help fund social-emotional learning projects in classrooms throughout the state of Vermont. SEL4VT's goal is to raise $1500 to establish a new grant program to help support educator initiatives related to #SEL & well-being. gofundme.com/f/microgrants-… SEL4US #vted SocialEmotionalLearning

#SELDay 2023 is right around the corner! Here's some great info from our friends at Inside SEL and David Adams on why this work is so important. #SEL #edchat #kidsdeserveit

Wish you knew more about SEL? Practical Ideas on Social Emotional Learning that Really Work w/ Lorea MartĂnez ! Listen Here: shorturl.at/wPVZ8 #FocusED #education

Had an awesome time presenting at #VTBEST2023 with Quinlan Coaching yesterday! Thanks to all who joined and participated as we discussed the development of #SEL learning standards. #bettertogether #edchat #vted

8 Factors of Happiness via Duke University and Tanmay Vora ✍ #SEL #Happiness #mentalhealth

Great #BackToSchool #SEL tip from our friends Think:Kids! #empathy #skillnotwill #edchat