Study exploring the safety of biological therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease undergoing elective surgery
@BritSocGastro @GutsCharityUK @RCSnews
ID: 1709979233269768192
05-10-2023 17:10:01
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Please 👀 out for launch of this 👇 ⏺️An imp. study to address an important ❓. SABRE-IBD ❇️ Trainee led & delivered (medical & surgical) supported by BSG Research BSG Guts UK Charity The Royal College of Surgeons of England @BiCOPS Birmingham Surgical Trials Consortium Hope all 🇬🇧 #IBD (medical& surgical) will support.

Hi Louise Wan Gemma Owens ARGO RoyalCollegeObsGyn Christina Uwins! I'm Aamir, an IBD research fellow at St Mark's Hospital Foundation. We're launching SABRE-IBD! Support from RCS SSLs. Aiming for large national med / surg collab project! Pls lmk if keen to participate and publicise. Thanks!