Maureen Campion
Infectious Disease Pharmacist dedicated to optimizing outcomes for patients and reducing antimicrobial resistance. My opinions are my own.
ID: 877157767122898944
20-06-2017 13:34:43
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REMDACTA RCT 💥💥 is published Intensive Care Medicine Tocilizumab plus remdesivir did not shorten time to hospital discharge or “ready for discharge” to day 28 compared with placebo plus remdesivir in patients with severe #COVID19 pneumonia #IDTwitter #TwitteRx…
this is really great work with Emily Heil leading a blockbuster team of infectious diseases clinician-researchers. this sets the foundation for a collaborative looking to answer many questions in the GNR BSI space--- excited for more to come!
And for those who can't be bothered reading the whole thread, here are my #top10papers in ID for 2021 and their implications in 1 slide. #IDTwitter. Antibiotic Steward Bassam Ghanem 🅱️C🆔🅿️🌟 Antibiotic Tweets Erin McCreary Aurélien Dinh Daniel Engelman Paul Sax Nico Cortes-Penfield MD FACP FIDSA 🦴💊
SIDP CDC's Project Firstline CDC Antimicrobial Resistance American Nurses Enterprise A7. Though we like our people and people power, we also collaborate with others such as from Jefferson College of Nursing @mpmaziarz with a paper Nikunj V and Dr. MaryLou Manning and others! #USAAW22 #AntimicrobialResistance
It's Antibiotic Awareness Week, and Tufts Medicine's Dr. Gabriela Andujar Vazquez is helping us #BeAntibioticsAware so we understand when antibiotics are needed and when they’re not. #USAAW23 #TuftsMedicine Tufts Medical Center ID Fellowship Levy CIMAR Helen Boucher