Routledge Music Editors
Tweets from the Music books editors at Routledge: Genevieve Aoki, Heidi Bishop, Evie Evans and Hannah Rowe. Contacts at: routledge.com/contacts/edito…
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http://routledge.com/music 31-03-2021 18:27:32
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Very excited to see that the edited book 'Perspectives on Conducting' = available for pre-order shortly. Really enjoyed working on this with co-editor Ciarán Crilly (UCD) and all our wonderful contributors. Details here: routledge.com/Perspectives-o… Routledge Music Editors Routledge Books

Are you at the Society American Mus #SAM2024 conference in Detroit? Do you want to talk about a book idea or the publishing process? Our editor Genevieve Aoki is attending and meeting with scholars - do get in touch if you would like to chat routledge.com/contacts/edito…

Congratulations Alex Riviere ! 🥳 It's been a real pleasure working with you to bring the project to life.

Now out on New Books Network 📚, an interview with author Stephen Lee Naish about *Music and Sound in the Films of Dennis Hopper* newbooksnetwork.com/music-and-soun…

🎮 The Game Audio Network Guild Awards-winning book 'Game Audio Mixing' is 20% off all April! 🎶 Get your copy now and unlock your savings Routledge Music Editors : routledge.com/Game-Audio-Mix… #gameaudio #gamedev #gameaudiomixing #sounddesign #audioengineering #gamedevelopment #gameproduction

Co-authored with Andrew Andrew Lemon🍋 latest OST D*Fuzed/Asobitech, our research chapter on game music composition, *Strutting with Streets of Rage: When Dance Music Enters the Fight*, will be published in October! routledge.com/Music-and-Soni… #gamedev Dancecult Journal of Electronic Dance Music IASPM JOURNAL #videogamemusic #vgm School of ACI

Thrilled to receive copies of 'Perspectives on Conducting in the post today! Available for purchase from routledge.com/Perspectives-o…. (Use Promo Code SMA22 for discount!) Routledge Music Editors Music @ DCU UCD School of Music Sing Ireland

I’m so excited to share that my first monograph ‘ Western Classical Music Industry in Twenty-First Century China: A Dialectal Crescendo’ coming soon with Routledge Routledge Books Routledge Music Editors Link: routledge.com/The-Western-Cl… There will be more details and information in the

Book launch! All welcome to join us for the launch of Perspectives on Conducting, 26th Sept at 6.30pm in the Hugh Lane Gallery, feat. performances by Patrick Rafter (violin) and Laetare Vocal Ensemble. Routledge Music Editors