Robert Spinner, MD
#Neurosurgeon specializing in #PeripheralNerve, Chair of #Neurosurgery @MayoClinicNeuro at @MayoClinic. Views are my own.
ID: 1468972355565219853
https://www.mayoclinic.org/biographies/spinner-robert-j-m-d/bio-20054099 09-12-2021 16:09:55
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This #ThankfulThursday, we honor Dr. James Rutka, a true pioneer in neurosurgery. His contributions to pediatric neurosurgery & brain tumor research are unparalleled. Join us in expressing gratitude for his invaluable impact on the field! Journal of Neurosurgery University of Toronto Neurosurgery #medtwitter

Very excited to be Society for Neuro-Oncology Sub-Saharan Africa Happening now Harare Metropolitan Province #Zimbabwe Full Room at the annual scientific meeting of SocietyofNeuroOncology SubSaharanAfrica - that has continued to grow since its initiation 2018 SNO IBTA James Balogun

* TOMORROW IA WFNS Cerebrovascular Committee Monthly Webinar Series: Basic Neurosurgical Skills and Future Venues 7am EST,1pm CEST, 4pm PKT Zoom Registration Link: zoom.us/meeting/regist… Giuseppe Lanzino, MD #wfns #Cerebrovascular #surgery #neurosurgery #medtwitter

Online now zoom.us/meeting/regist… Giuseppe Lanzino, MD #Cerebrovascular #neurosurgery #wfns #AI #medtwitter

Had the best time with the Women in Neurosurgery Happy Hour! Thank you to Robert Spinner, MD for the support! First of many to come gelareh-zadeh Mayo Clinic Neuro Women In Neurosurgery (WINS)

Robert Spinner, MD Thank you for being a guest speaker at our Mayo-HU journal club topic on MPNSTs back in Feb, showing your commitment to student advancement. We would be thrilled if you could repost our flyer so we can encourage more med students to think critically about research!

Congratulations, Jonathon J. Parker MD PhD!

It is World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Rhoton Anatomy Day for #PeripheralNerve on September 6. Join us to hear about and discuss radial nerve anatomy and its surgical approaches. AANS/CNS Spine Section Stanford Neurosurgery

Dr. Mohamad Bydon, M.D. highlights the focus on innovation at the upcoming CNS Annual Meeting (Sept 28-Oct 2 in Houston). Expect a wealth of spine content with top leaders sharing the latest advancements. Don’t miss it! #CNS2024 #SpineCare CNS Khoi Than Cheerag Upadhyaya, MD, MBA, MSc, FAANS, FACS

#DYK Yesterday was National Serendipity Day? Last year Dr. gelareh-zadeh spoke on the impact of #Serendipity in her scientific journey during her Canada Gairdner Momentum Award acceptance speech. Watch the full video here: youtube.com/watch?v=geQE-7…

Hilary, Rick, and Laura: you are amazing and inspiring leaders. You give us hope that one day we will find a cure for brain cancer. Thank you for allowing me to learn from you and to have a good time too! I learn so much every time I’m with all of you. The Sontag Foundation Mayo Clinic

Endoscopic Spine Surgery with co-faculty Dr. Oren Gottfried of #Duke at the MIS & Emerging Technology Course, co-directed by @PraveenMumanneni and Juan Camilo Uribe . #SpineSurgery #NewTechnology

Moving day for me. Looking forward to gelareh-zadeh and her future leadership at Mayo Clinic Neuro. Aspire to keep my new office cleaner. AANS CNS

You won't want to miss this inspiring story featuring Ian Bowen, a Mayo Clinic #neurosurgery patient who defied the odds after being paralyzed 15 years ago from #neurosarcoidosis to training for and running a marathon -- twice. Jamie Van Gompel MD

Congratulations to the Lundin Cancer Fund family for the efforts to fund raise for #GBM #glioblastoma #braintumor #research #advances Thank you Canadian Cancer Society for the partnership Looking forward to continuing to work & build on these efforts