Richard Giubertoni FCCT (@richardteaches) 's Twitter Profile
Richard Giubertoni FCCT


Teacher since 2008, subject leader for chemistry and lead for research and evidence based practice @KEVIaston, author of secondary science in action FCCT

ID: 1586896473576411137

link calendar_today31-10-2022 01:43:21

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Tom Bennett OBE (@tombennett71) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is great. researchED has *never* been a research generator. We build communities and conferences and relationships between people who do, and people who need it. It has been one of my lifeā€™s greatest honours to be able to facilitate this in some way.

King Edward VI Foundation Birmingham (@kevifoundation) 's Twitter Profile Photo

10th September is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay, an opportunity across the globe, to raise awareness of suicide and suicide prevention. We recently created a series of wellbeing pages on our website, full of useful resources around this subject:

10th September is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay, an opportunity across the globe, to raise awareness of suicide and suicide prevention.

We recently created a series of wellbeing pages on our website, full of useful resources around this subject:
John Catt Educational from Hodder Education (@johncatted) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'Secondary Science in Action' is out now! This brilliant new guide from Richard Giubertoni FCCT & @EmilyGTeaches spells out the skills and strategies of the successful Science teacher. Available from and all major book retailers #ScienceInAction #ScienceTeacher

'Secondary Science in Action' is out now! This brilliant new guide from <a href="/RichardTeaches/">Richard Giubertoni FCCT</a> &amp; @EmilyGTeaches spells out the skills and strategies of the successful Science teacher. Available from and all major book retailers 

#ScienceInAction #ScienceTeacher
Richard Giubertoni FCCT (@richardteaches) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Extremely excited and proud that after a lot of hard work itā€™s finally out there in the real world for people to read and enjoy. Hopefully it can make a real difference to how people approach their science teaching. #scienceinaction #scienceteachers

Extremely excited and proud that after a lot of hard work itā€™s finally out there in the real world for people to read and enjoy. Hopefully it can make a real difference to how people approach their science teaching. #scienceinaction #scienceteachers
Emily Giubertoni (@emilygteaches) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Chapter recommendation...chapter 8 of our new book #SecondaryScienceInAction makes my heart sing, 15 science stories to share with your students! Use however you will, but definitely use them! John Catt Educational from Hodder Education Tom Sherrington Adam Boxer #educhat #STEM

Chapter recommendation...chapter 8 of our new book #SecondaryScienceInAction makes my heart sing, 15 science stories to share with your students! Use however you will, but definitely use them! <a href="/JohnCattEd/">John Catt Educational from Hodder Education</a>
<a href="/teacherhead/">Tom Sherrington</a>
<a href="/adamboxer1/">Adam Boxer</a>
#educhat #STEM
Emily Giubertoni (@emilygteaches) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Worried about teaching controversial topics in #science? Chapter 12 of our new book #SecondaryScienceInAction has got you, with practical tips for before, during, and after the lesson, including scripted teacher responses...#educhat John Catt Educational from Hodder Education STEM Learning

Worried about teaching controversial topics in #science? Chapter 12 of our new book #SecondaryScienceInAction has got you, with practical tips for before, during, and after the lesson, including scripted teacher responses...#educhat <a href="/JohnCattEd/">John Catt Educational from Hodder Education</a> <a href="/STEMLearningUK/">STEM Learning</a>
Richard Giubertoni FCCT (@richardteaches) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Teaching some topics in science can be hard, climate change, evolution, reproduction, can all be influenced by outside factors. Donā€™t worry, there is a chapter on how to deal with these controversial topics in Secondary Science in Action from John Catt Educational from Hodder Education

Teaching some topics in science can be hard, climate change, evolution, reproduction, can all be influenced by outside factors. Donā€™t worry, there is a chapter on how to deal with these controversial topics in Secondary Science in Action from <a href="/JohnCattEd/">John Catt Educational from Hodder Education</a>
Emily Giubertoni (@emilygteaches) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Such a useful resource to see a KS3 curriculum overview from a mainstream secondary classroom, set out with the rationale...massive thanks to Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School science dept for sharing theirs in new book #SecondaryScienceInAction get your copy today! #edutwitter John Catt Educational from Hodder Education

Such a useful resource to see a KS3 curriculum overview from a mainstream secondary classroom, set out with the rationale...massive thanks to <a href="/FollowDECTC/">Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School</a> science dept for sharing theirs in new book #SecondaryScienceInAction get your copy today! #edutwitter <a href="/JohnCattEd/">John Catt Educational from Hodder Education</a>
Emily Giubertoni (@emilygteaches) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Top reason to buy #SecondaryScienceInAction is the specific strategies it gives you....ā¤ļø this moment of scripting, showing just how to model reading skills in science Alex Quigley John Catt Educational from Hodder Education

Top reason to buy #SecondaryScienceInAction is the specific strategies it gives you....ā¤ļø this moment of scripting, showing just how to model reading skills in science <a href="/AlexJQuigley/">Alex Quigley</a> <a href="/JohnCattEd/">John Catt Educational from Hodder Education</a>
Emily Giubertoni (@emilygteaches) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Top Sunday night reading recommendatio ...ch13 of our book #SecondaryScienceInAction includes an annotatex extract from Primo Levi, with a host of questions and activities ready to use to get your students engaging with this iconic writer and chemist Richard Giubertoni FCCT John Catt Educational from Hodder Education

Emily Giubertoni (@emilygteaches) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Managing practicals in science lessons can be a challenge...luckily, our book #SecondaryScienceInAction has a great chapter talking you through the best ways to approach practicals for max learning and on task behaviour! John Catt Educational from Hodder Education Richard Giubertoni FCCT

Managing practicals in science lessons can be a challenge...luckily, our book #SecondaryScienceInAction has a great chapter talking you through the best ways to approach practicals for max learning and on task behaviour! <a href="/JohnCattEd/">John Catt Educational from Hodder Education</a> <a href="/RichardTeaches/">Richard Giubertoni FCCT</a>
John Catt Educational from Hodder Education (@johncatted) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Discover practical, subject-specific guides designed to support secondary teachers of all experience levels to strengthen and develop your teaching. The first titles in our new 'Subjects in Action' series are coming out this term! Find out more #TeacherPD

Discover practical, subject-specific guides designed to support secondary teachers of all experience levels to strengthen and develop your teaching. The first titles in our new 'Subjects in Action' series are coming out this term! Find out more

Emily Giubertoni (@emilygteaches) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Who will find #SecondaryScienceInAction useful? Science trainees in all specialisms, class teachers, heads of department, SLT line managing the subject...there's important insights to help all John Catt Educational from Hodder Education Richard Giubertoni FCCTā€¦

Who will find #SecondaryScienceInAction useful? Science trainees in all specialisms, class teachers, heads of department, SLT line managing the subject...there's important insights to help all <a href="/JohnCattEd/">John Catt Educational from Hodder Education</a> <a href="/RichardTeaches/">Richard Giubertoni FCCT</a>ā€¦
Emily Giubertoni (@emilygteaches) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Getting near payday...thinking about new books for work... and strongly recommending #SecondaryScienceInAction as a a payday purchase for some CPD reading for all science teachers out there!! Richard Giubertoni FCCT John Catt Educational from Hodder Education