Beck King
Regional Director @astreaacademies
ID: 1346071058827386881
04-01-2021 12:28:58
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"Do not touch. Do not switch off the incubator." 🐣 How lovely that a keen writer in Reception at Greengate Lane decided to create a sign to make sure the eggs are looked after! Special friends underlined too! Thanks for sharing Beck King Ruth Miskin Training

High quality PKC work in books and pupils able to share knowledge and excited about their learning Greengate Lane Kara Robinson DMoulds 🌿 Primary Knowledge Curriculum Astrea Academy Trust

I work with the best #ReadWriteInc Reading Leaders! Thank you for such a productive and positive Development Day Bethany Jade Wright! Children love learning to read at WaverleyAcademy because their teachers love reading too Louise Stanton Ruth Miskin Training

Monday highlight: listening to Y7 students read with superb storyteller voices at Astrea Academy Sheffield - Secondary Phase. Such enthusiasm! #FreshStartFastTrackTutoring Ruth Miskin Training

We are SO PROUD of these amazing girls that attended the year 5 & 6 football tournament @SGPThorncliffe Great team work, enthusiasm & resilience 👏🏻👊🏽🙌🏾 And most importantly you were all AMAZING ambassadors for our school. Thanks The Arches SSP and SWFCCP PL Primary Stars #proud #AstreaActive

A great opportunity for somebody to join our leadership team Hatfield Academy Please call school to arrange a visit or chat about the job. teaching-vacancies.service.gov.uk/jobs/assistant…