Beck King (@rebecca94999018) 's Twitter Profile
Beck King


Regional Director @astreaacademies

ID: 1346071058827386881

calendar_today04-01-2021 12:28:58

43 Tweet


86 Following

Anna Ellwood (@annamellwood) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Do not touch. Do not switch off the incubator." 🐣 How lovely that a keen writer in Reception at Greengate Lane decided to create a sign to make sure the eggs are looked after! Special friends underlined too! Thanks for sharing Beck King Ruth Miskin Training

"Do not touch. Do not switch off the incubator." 🐣 How lovely that a keen writer in Reception at <a href="/gglacademy/">Greengate Lane</a> decided to create a sign to make sure the eggs are looked after! Special friends underlined too! Thanks for sharing <a href="/Rebecca94999018/">Beck King</a> <a href="/RuthMiskinEdu/">Ruth Miskin Training</a>
Louise Stanton (@louises34334411) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are looking for a KS2 teacher. Come and join a dedicated team who are passionate about proving a brilliant education for all of our pupils.KS2 Class Teacher - Waverley Academy - 492 - Astrea Academy Trust…

Ruth Miskin Training (@ruthmiskinedu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Leadership matters Ruth explains how we help you lead reading in your school. You can watch the film on the home page of our website (

Leadership matters

Ruth explains how we help you lead reading in your school.

You can watch the film on the home page of our website (
Anna Ellwood (@annamellwood) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I work with the best #ReadWriteInc Reading Leaders! Thank you for such a productive and positive Development Day Bethany Jade Wright! Children love learning to read at WaverleyAcademy because their teachers love reading too Louise Stanton Ruth Miskin Training

Louise Stanton (@louises34334411) 's Twitter Profile Photo

High levels of engagement in our RWI lessons today. Routines have clearly been established, ensuring children feel safe and settled to access learning. #teamwaverley 💪🏻

Greengate Lane (@gglacademy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are SO PROUD of these amazing girls that attended the year 5 & 6 football tournament @SGPThorncliffe Great team work, enthusiasm & resilience 👏🏻👊🏽🙌🏾 And most importantly you were all AMAZING ambassadors for our school. Thanks The Arches SSP and SWFCCP PL Primary Stars #proud #AstreaActive

We are SO PROUD of these amazing girls that attended the year 5 &amp; 6 football tournament @SGPThorncliffe Great team work, enthusiasm &amp; resilience 👏🏻👊🏽🙌🏾 And most importantly you were all AMAZING ambassadors for our school. Thanks <a href="/ArchesSSP/">The Arches SSP</a> and <a href="/SWFCCP_PLPS/">SWFCCP PL Primary Stars</a> #proud #AstreaActive
Sadie Phillips / Literacy with Miss P (@sadiephillips) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How about a picture book advent calendar for your class this year? Great way to promote a love of reading and to make sure you read aloud every day in December! 📚💕#readingforpleasure #OURfP #readingrocks #reading

How about a picture book advent calendar for your class this year? Great way to promote a love of reading and to make sure you read aloud every day in December! 📚💕#readingforpleasure #OURfP #readingrocks #reading
Greengate Lane (@gglacademy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

EYFS have been producing some stunning Poppy watercolours this week as part of our Remembrance Day learning. They have learned a new technique of wetting their paper before painting to create their masterpieces. #EYFS #weareastrea #weareartstrea #earlyyears #RemembranceDay

EYFS have been producing some stunning Poppy watercolours this week as part of our Remembrance Day learning. They have learned a new technique of wetting their paper before painting to create their masterpieces.  #EYFS #weareastrea #weareartstrea #earlyyears #RemembranceDay
Mrs Richards (she/her) (@katybeech2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A great opportunity for somebody to join our leadership team Hatfield Academy Please call school to arrange a visit or chat about the job.…