Chairman, Department of General Surgery, Director, The Bariatric and Metabolic Institute at Cleveland Clinic Florida . President , The Fellowship Council
ID: 3676486649
16-09-2015 16:22:22
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ASMBS OBESITYPAC reception (members/guests) Tues @615p, advocacy works! WI state employees now have coverage thx Drs Funk/Kothari ASMBS ObesityWeek® Neil Floch MD Philip Schauer, MD Jaime Ponce MD Rachel Moore, MD, FACS, ABOM Teresa Lamasters Stacy Brethauer Rosenthal Shanu Kothari

Philip Schauer, MD MISS Conference @asmbs American College of Surgeons outstanding conference. An honor to be invited to present. Congrats Dr. Schauer !

Introduction and validation individualized metabolic surgery score on diabetes severity now available #ASA2017 Annals of Surgery Cleveland Clinic MD

Dr Aminian introduces evidenced based internet tool to aid surgical procedure selection for diabetes #ASA2017 @asmbs Cleveland Clinic MD

What excites you most about ObesityWeek®? Let us know and remember to use the hashtag #OW2017.

Steven D Wexner MD, PhD Bariatric Times Bariatric News EASO ObesityWeek® Neil Floch MD Samuel Szomstein MD,FACS, FASMBS Philip Schauer, MD Antonio de Lacy Obesity is a chronic disease with multiple associated life threatening comorbidities at risk of recurrence. #bariatricsurgery @asmbs

Steven D Wexner MD, PhD Bariatric Times Bariatric News EASO ObesityWeek® Neil Floch MD Samuel Szomstein MD,FACS, FASMBS Philip Schauer, MD Antonio de Lacy ASMBS Treating a complex multifactorial disease such as Obesity is a difficult surgical task when compared to treating anatomical abnormalities.

Almas Khan Rosenthal @asmbs Stacy Brethauer Richard Peterson The Obesity Society Paul Davidson, PhD Philip Schauer, MD Steven D Wexner MD, PhD ObesityWeek® Bariatric Times Knee/hip replacement in BMI >30 has increased risk of complications (DVT, reoperation, etc.). Bariatric surgery is indicated in BMI >30 w/ comorbidities and has shown to decrease orthopedic operating time and reduce complications sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/… mdedge.com/acssurgerynews…