ID: 1269946662329475072
https://www.hltv.org/player/22214/rand 08-06-2020 10:57:43
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898 Takipçi
389 Takip Edilen

Gewinnen 2-0 vs SNOGARD Dragons 🐉 und meinen Homie SnacKZ1 und sind somit Fragster.com Meister 4Standins wa

We qualify for YGames Pro Series as a mix, will be fun to play on hltv again (i think?) ggs my brothers x) Ruslan Aliev T4gg3D Kate Soldatova MAHAR馬哈爾 #businessmens

13:7 vs Dynamo Eclot Thunders & 2:0 vs Team Flow grants us a spot in the group stage of Y-Games Pro Series 2024 (probably on HLTV), we are so back, ggs)) Schwarzzz Ruslan Aliev MAHAR馬哈爾 Rand-_- legends of the game... #businessmen

cant wait to finally have some real action in cs2 for about 6 months, i hope we advance to the next round and meet Brajan Lemecha's stupid ahhh

playing my first international event in a while against Rebels Gaming ♦️ to start the comeback era (we will lose 0-13)