Dr Rachel Menzies
Clinical psychologist, research fellow @Sydney_Uni & future corpse. Researching death anxiety and existential issues in mental and physical health.
ID: 3301086561
http://www.rachelmenzies.com 28-05-2015 01:25:31
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What a powerful and important segment on The Project, shedding light on conditions like migraine & endometriosis which predominantly affect women. These conditions are often stigmatised, underdiagnosed, and mismanaged. We need more research & funding to improve outcomes

Lots of fun to be back at ABC Studios this week, this time for a ABC Radio National interview on Life Matters! 📻🎙️ You can listen to the segment on #TerrorManagementTheory and how death anxiety impacts our behavior here: abc.net.au/listen/program…

A lovely surprise to have our research on #DeathAnxiety & disordered eating featured in PsyPost.org! Our 2024 study, led by Honours student Maddie Forrester, found that death reminders increased body dissatisfaction and reduced food portion sizes psypost.org/new-study-shed… Louise Sharpe

Delighted to be interviewed for the inaugural episode of this wonderful podcast hosted by Ivor Williams 🎧🎙️ You can listen to the full episode here: mortals.podbean.com/e/mortals-with… Thanks Ivor for having me on, and looking forward to checking out the next few episodes!

The first episode of Mortals with Dr Rachel Menzies is now available on Apple Podcasts! Check it out, and drop into a rich conversation about how the things we deny cause us deep existential problems. 🎧 podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/mor…

An honour to be invited to #APA2024 in Seattle to accept the American Psychological Association William James Book Award Prof. Ross Menzies and I are thrilled to be chosen for this prize, with previous winners including Pinker, Zimbardo, Nisbett & more Thank you APADivision1 🙏

What a nice surprise to spot one of our books for sale in the #APA2024 exhibit hall! Pop past the Springer Nature stand before the conference ends if you'd like to pick up a copy of "Existential Concerns and Cognitive-Behavioral Procedures" 📚 Springer Nature Prof. Ross Menzies