RDA Germany
The German plug-in to the Research Data Alliance: building the social and technical bridges that enable global open sharing of data @resdatall @RDA_Europe
ID: 1022060592381788160
http://rda-deutschland.de/ 25-07-2018 10:06:48
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📢Spannende Einblicke auf der #RDAde2024 Tagung in Potsdam!📝 Von "RDA for Newbies" über Sessions wie "Aus der Digitalität in die Realität - Daten verändern die Welt" und "Datennutzung - Benefit Sharing" bis hin zur EU-Datenstrategie. Danke ans Team RDA Germany! #FDM
NFDI4Chem was also represented by a delegation at this year's RDA Germany conference in Göttingen. The national exchange and networking with state initiatives on #RDM contributes to the success of an efficient #research #data infrastructure - and is also fun. #chemtwitter
🎊We are very pleased that Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration was also represented with several posters at #RDAde2024, which were presented by several of our colleagues 🥳. Thank you for the great conference and the lively and valuable exchange and discussions on site. #HMC RDA Germany
Beilstein-Institut [email protected] Research Data Alliance (RDA) GFZ nfdi NFDI4Chem Oliver Koepler Agreed! Thanks Research Data Alliance (RDA) DE and the audience for the interest in our RADAR FIZ Karlsruhe poster as well!
Wie verbreitet ist die Schließung von Forschungsdatenrepositorien, welche Ursachen führten dazu und was geschieht danach mit den Daten? Dorothea Strecker sprach bei der RDA-DE Tagung über Ergebnisse der Studie. doi.org/10.5281/zenodo… #forschungsdaten #langzeitarchivierung
A wind of change blowing through the RDA Europe RDA Europe office! - We’re excited to announce a number of changes at the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Europe office! rd-alliance.org/news/a-wind-of…