RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile


Legal Society. Highly interdisciplinary orientated. Focus on AI & smart Robotics. ⚙️🧠 Tweets by @AvonKrause (AvK) & JProf. Dr. Björn Steinrötter (BS)

ID: 997185452166836225

linkhttp://ai-laws.org/ calendar_today17-05-2018 18:41:53

866 Tweet


491 Following

RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us on July 6, 2023, for a workshop on "Generative AI and the Law"! 📅🌐 Hybrid event in Berlin and online. Register now: ai-laws.org/generative-ai #AI #Law #Workshop (AvK)

Join us on July 6, 2023, for a workshop on "Generative AI and the Law"!  📅🌐 Hybrid event in Berlin and online. Register now: ai-laws.org/generative-ai
#AI #Law  #Workshop 

LSGL (@lsglpresidency) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy to invite you to the International and Interdisciplinary Workshop on "Generative AI and the Law" jointly organized by Università di Torino and RAILS e.V. in collaboration with LSGL #Law & #Technology Research Group. Register here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI…

Happy to invite you to the International and Interdisciplinary Workshop on "Generative AI and the Law" jointly organized by <a href="/unito/">Università di Torino</a> and <a href="/RAILSeV/">RAILS e.V.</a> in collaboration with <a href="/LsglPresidency/">LSGL</a> #Law &amp; #Technology Research Group.  Register here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI…
RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌐 Join our Workshop Online: Access Details Sent! The access details for the online participation in our workshop have been sent out. If you have registered but haven't received your login details, please reach out to us at [email protected] 🙏

RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Unfortunately we've reached the capacity for our zoom meeting. Please join us via the YouTube Livestream instead! ai-laws.org/webinar-stream

RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Webinar on "The Revised Product Liability Directive" 📆 Oct 24, 5.00 pm CEST via Zoom Sign up: ai-laws.org/registration-w… Our schedule: ai-laws.org/wp-content/upl…

Webinar on "The Revised Product Liability Directive"
📆 Oct 24, 5.00 pm CEST via Zoom

Sign up: ai-laws.org/registration-w…

Our schedule: ai-laws.org/wp-content/upl…
RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us now for our webinar on "The Revised Product Liability Directive" via YouTube Livestream: ai-laws.org/webinar-stream

RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Webinar on "Facial Recognition in Law Enforcement" 📆 Nov 27, 6.00 pm CEST via Zoom Sign up & more info: ai-laws.org/registration-w… (AvK)

Webinar on "Facial Recognition in Law Enforcement"

📆 Nov 27, 6.00 pm CEST via Zoom  
Sign up &amp; more info: ai-laws.org/registration-w…

RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Webinar on "Facial Recognition in Law Enforcement" 📆 Nov 27, 6.00 pm CEST via Zoom Sign up & more info: ai-laws.org/registration-w… (AvK)

Webinar on "Facial Recognition in Law Enforcement"
📆 Nov 27, 6.00 pm CEST via Zoom

Sign up &amp; more info: ai-laws.org/registration-w…

RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Webinar on "Remedying Privacy Harm within and beyond Data Protection Law" 📆 Feb 22, 5.00 pm CEST via Zoom Sign up & more info: ai-laws.org/webinar (AvK)

Webinar on "Remedying Privacy Harm within and beyond Data Protection Law"

📆 Feb 22, 5.00 pm CEST via Zoom

Sign up &amp; more info: ai-laws.org/webinar

RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us today at 5 p.m. CET for our #webinar on "Remedying Privacy Harm within and beyond Data Protection Law" 🙌 Join us via Zoom or YouTube: ai-laws.org/2024/01/31/22-…

RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us for our #webinar today on "#ArtificialIntelligence in #Sports: Setting a Research Agenda and Priorities" in cooperation with CiTiP KU Leuven 📅 Today, 1 pm - 5.30 pm CET 💻 Online law.kuleuven.be/citip/en/news/…

RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

+++ SAVE THE DATE +++ 🔥 WE ROBOT Europe 📆 Oct 17, 2024 Let’s explore the future of robotics! The first “WeRobot Europe” aims to bring science, politics, business and professionals together to discuss joint strategies for the rapid development in robotics. (AvK)


🔥 WE ROBOT Europe
📆 Oct 17, 2024

Let’s explore the future of robotics!

The  first “WeRobot Europe” aims to bring science, politics, business and professionals together to discuss joint strategies for the rapid development in robotics.

RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We invite submissions for the first Salon of the robotics law and policy conference on the European continent –We Robot Europe 🎉 Abstracts must be submitted by 15th September; draft papers are due 10th October. Full Call for Papers: ai-laws.org/cfp-werobot

We invite submissions for the first Salon of the robotics law and policy conference on the European continent –We Robot Europe 🎉

Abstracts must be submitted by 15th September; draft papers are due 10th October.

Full Call for Papers:
RAILS e.V. (@railsev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚀 REGISTER NOW for the WE ROBOT conference on Oct 17! 🎉 Spaces are limited, so sign up fast at ai-laws.org/werobot! ⚠️ First come, first served—don’t miss out! 🤖✨ #WeRobot2024 #Robotics #AI

🚀 REGISTER NOW for the WE ROBOT conference on Oct 17! 🎉 Spaces are limited, so sign up fast at ai-laws.org/werobot!

⚠️ First come, first served—don’t miss out! 🤖✨

#WeRobot2024 #Robotics #AI