Physiotherapy Subject Area Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
ID: 359346174
https://www.qmu.ac.uk/schools-and-divisions/dnbsppr/physiotherapy/ 21-08-2011 12:33:05
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Good luck to all the physiotherapy staff running the Edinburgh Marathon Edinburgh Marathon, Half Marathon and relay today!

‼️ #Jobalert amazing opportunity to join our community team to provide rehabilitation in the community #homefirst 🛌 🏡 #physiotherapist The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership QMUPhysio Physio@EdinNapier apply.jobs.scot.nhs.uk/Job/JobDetail?…

Check out this HCPC competition for students! QMU Music Therapy QMU Occupational Therapy QMUPhysio QMU BSc Paramedic Science QMU Podiatry QMU_SLT Edinburgh Napier Occupational Therapy Physio@EdinNapier RGU Health Sciences GCUPhysio GCUPhysio Strathclyde SLT

app.onlinesurveys.jisc.ac.uk/s/qmu/active-t… We are interested in how physiotherapists integrate the promotion of active travel in their practice. Are you a practicing physiotherapist? please fill in our QMUPhysio students survey and then share #physiotherapy Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Australian Physiotherapy Association Environmental Physiotherapy Association (EPA)

Huge thanks to Chartered Society of Physiotherapy CEO John Cowman for his visits and members who took the time today at QMUPhysio and NHS Lothian hospitals - listening and talking about the opportunities and challenges for physios and the profession. Really constructive discussions and lots to follow up!

First study day in Scotland 🏴 - Come and join us online or in Glasgow for a day packed with top tips for physiotherapy practice. NHSGGC Mental Health Physiotherapists GCUPhysio QMUPhysio RGU Physiotherapy

Happy #WorldPTDay! We hope you are using our materials to share the message about low back pain You can download the materials in more than 35 languages from our website: ow.ly/9vBG50TaU7a #GlobalPT Africa region of World Physiotherapy WorldPhysioAWP Europe Region World Physiotherapy 🇪🇺 World Physiotherapy NAC World Physiotherapy SAR