Team Cardiology Q.A
Team cardiology at QA ❤️ News and updates from C7, C6, CDU, Heart Failure, cardiac Rehab & outpatients!
ID: 1169704517920837634
05-09-2019 20:12:35
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#EJCN editorial on #heartfailure explains why “failure” is a bad word for a #disease and could impact self-care bit.ly/2kE5BQP European Society of Cardiology Journals Philip Moons, Editor-in-Chief #cardiotwitter #cardionews

C7 cardiac high care & E6 respiratory high care working together on a CPAP study day to upskill staff ❤️. #teamwork #cardiology #respiratory Team Cardiology Q.A #hellomynameis Fiona Wright @LiZRix_PHT Mark Cubbon @TinaHetheringto Louise Fox Medicine & Urgent Care Divisional Leadership Team @NatalieRaven10 @QAHospitalNews

Team Cardiology Q.A for those interested the link will take you to an excellent resource on the management of HF in the final days. Not national guidance, but may guide your thinking when next in that situation.

C6 safety huddle focusing on falls awareness. Great shared learning and well attended by cardiology MDT ❤️Marisa Oliveira Mark Cubbon Medicine & Urgent Care Divisional Leadership Team @LiZRix_PHT #fallsawarenessweek #teamwork #cardiology

Fantastic feedback for cardiology, well deserved for the CDU team ❤️Team Cardiology Q.A @LiZRix_PHT Medicine & Urgent Care Divisional Leadership Team Mark Cubbon

Super proud of Arlene Pritchard, HCSW on C6 cardiology ward being nominated and a finalist for the pride awards. Well done Arlene ❤️Krissie, respiratory matron @LiZRix_PHT Mark Cubbon Marisa Oliveira Medicine & Urgent Care Divisional Leadership Team

Another marathon 15hrs in the Cath Lab cardiology world @QAHospitalNews with a few pPCI from Hants & IOW Air Amb @IoWNHSTrust 💔 ➡️ 🚁 ➡️ 🏥 ➡️ 💖 #cardiophysiologist #NHS #Cardiology #sunset #makingadifference #oncall

Team medicine,QA open day Medicine & Urgent Care Divisional Leadership Team @MCubbonNHS@@LiZRix_PHT@❤️

Guest speaker at University of Southampton spreading the cardiology love to the future workforce of cardiac physiologists ❤️ #cardiophysiologist Health Sciences, UoS SCST @RCCPClinPhys Academy for Healthcare Science @QAHospitalNews

Our amazing cardiology team! Joint meeting with C7, C6 & CDU for shared learning and working as one team ❤️ Krissie, respiratory matron Marisa Oliveira @QAHospitalNews @LiZRix_PHT Mark Cubbon

Fantastic recruitment day today, with many great nurses offered positions within medicine & urgent care. Welcome to Jean who starts on C7 cardiology ❤️@QAHospitalNews #hellomynameis Fiona Wright @LiZRix_PHT @PhtRecruitment Medicine & Urgent Care Divisional Leadership Team

Team cardiology doing the great south run, absolutely smashed it! ❤️❤️❤️Medicine & Urgent Care Divisional Leadership Team Team Cardiology Q.A @QAHospitalNews

Loving the cardiac high care Christmas tree this year! #christmas #Cardiology #teamwork Medicine & Urgent Care Divisional Leadership Team @QAHospitalNews @LiZRix_PHT Krissie, respiratory matron 🎄🎄🎄

Great feedback for cardiac high care C7, and our Cath Lab team who provide fantastic care for our cardiology patients ❤️❤️#Cardiology #makingadifference Team Cardiology Q.A @QAHospitalNews Medicine & Urgent Care Divisional Leadership Team @LiZRix_PHT careopinion.org.uk/733503

Team Cardiology Q.A watch out for our research project “REVIEW Potassium” in particularly in Heart Failure patients. We hope to start recruitment soon... Wessex Cardiology Registrars Dr Raj Chahal Elena Cowan Dr Rosalynn Austin RN

Team Cardiology Q.A an article by one of our very own Cardiology Consultants. Please take the time to read it. #HF #ProudtobePHT

#TeamMUC thank you for all you are doing. Scary times but #wegotthis. Keep up the humour, keep each other buoyant and give us a shout if you need to offload. We’ll bring the biscuits! Louise Fox @Leann_RH @lesleyessenhigh @QAHospitalNews #proudtobepht #nhs #COVID19