Silvia Secchi
Natural resource economist, geographer, meanderer, informed agitator, immigrant. Trans rights are human rights. 💧Dall’acqua salata a quella dolce e zozza💧
ID: 823759210919952386
https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=rXte6MIAAAAJ 24-01-2017 05:07:55
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We're hiring 4 positions! Tenure-track Environmental Geophysicist, tenure-track Environmental Justice, & two instructional-track faculty spanning earth science to geography to environmental policy & planning: jobs.uiowa.edu/faculty/view/7… jobs.uiowa.edu/faculty/view/7… jobs.uiowa.edu/faculty/view/7…

"I'm still hopeful that we can use the tools we have in the form of the Clean Water Act if somebody in the next administration grows a spine." Silvia Secchi w Nina Elkadi on CAFOs, "green" policies that incentivize them, & need to fix full production system cornbeltconfidential.substack.com/p/the-problem-…

Can local bans on concentrated feeding operations begin to solve the environmental and health issues they cause, or are they just pushing the problem to someone else’s backyard? Silvia Secchi and I discuss: cornbeltconfidential.substack.com/p/the-problem-…