Lundbeck Foundation Fellow and NOVO Nordisk Ascending Investigator. Interested in all of science... actively studying RNA viruses with a focus on hepC.
ID: 1270243795632824322 09-06-2020 06:38:23
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We're excited to share our latest work on hepatitis C virus, out now in eLife - the journal, and on #WorldHepatitisDay no less. Here, we have discovered a novel mechanism regulating HCV entry in to human liver cells.β¦
Congrats Christina H. Olesen on attaining the phd title and thank you to Thomas Pietschmann and Joe Grove for excellent discussions and to Santse for a great effort as chair! #hvr1 indeed!β¦ Turns out the HCV glycoproteins form homodimers! Congrats to everyone involved in this team effort, especially Elias and Christina! Thanks to Lundbeckfonden BRIDGE - Translational Excellence Programme for financial support. nature Elias Augestad Christina H. Olesen kaituo wang Andreas Soerensen