Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis


Castell canoloesol a gerddi byd-enwog dan ofal Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol Cymru | Medieval castle and world renowned gardens cared for by @NTCymru_

ID: 325448050

linkhttp://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/powis-castle calendar_today28-06-2011 09:33:05

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Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We have been working with different community organisations and focussing on improving the wellbeing of the local community We held a pruning workshop in the Ponthafren Community Garden, which was led by Tir Coed and delivered by the Orchard Daughters #InternationalDayofCharity

We have been working with different community organisations and focussing on improving the wellbeing of the local community
We held a pruning workshop in the <a href="/ponthafren/">Ponthafren</a> Community Garden, which was led by <a href="/tir_coed/">Tir Coed</a> and delivered by the Orchard Daughters
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Diolch i bawb a ddaeth i’n gerddi yn ystod yr haf. Daeth ymwelwyr hapus â llawenydd i bob cornel, a gobeithiwn eich bod wedi creu atgofion bythgofiadwy P'un a ydych am fwynhau lliwiau hydrefol neu dawelwch y gaeaf, mae yma ddihangfa heddychlon drwy'r flwyddyn 📷 Mairead a Lucy

Diolch i bawb a ddaeth i’n gerddi yn ystod yr haf. Daeth ymwelwyr hapus â llawenydd i bob cornel, a gobeithiwn eich bod wedi creu atgofion bythgofiadwy

P'un a ydych am fwynhau lliwiau hydrefol neu dawelwch y gaeaf, mae yma ddihangfa heddychlon drwy'r flwyddyn

📷 Mairead a Lucy
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks to everybody that visited our gardens during the summer. Happy visitors brought joy to every corner, and we hope that you made unforgettable memories Whether you’re looking to enjoy autumnal colours or the serenity of winter, we offer a peaceful escape 📷 Mairead and Lucy

Thanks to everybody that visited our gardens during the summer. Happy visitors brought joy to every corner, and we hope that you made unforgettable memories
Whether you’re looking to enjoy autumnal colours or the serenity of winter, we offer a peaceful escape
📷 Mairead and Lucy
Dave Phillips 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 (@exbeefeaterdave) 's Twitter Profile Photo

While living The Tower of London 🏰 I tried to find out why my front door had such an odd shape. Today Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis, I think I've found the answer. It's a 'Caernarfon Arch'. Caernarfon Castle, and the outer wall at The Tower were built by King Edward I #EveryDayIsASchoolDay.

While living <a href="/TowerOfLondon/">The Tower of London</a> 🏰 I tried to find out why my front door had such an odd shape.  Today <a href="/PowisCastleNT/">Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis</a>, I think I've found the answer.  It's a 'Caernarfon Arch'.  Caernarfon Castle, and the outer wall at The Tower were built by King Edward I #EveryDayIsASchoolDay.
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We have recently begun restoring the gryphon weathervane on the castle roof The weathervane was immobile for many years and the spindle became increasingly distorted due to storms. The entire assembly also notably loosened in the past year, and was in a poor aesthetic condition

We have recently begun restoring the gryphon weathervane on the castle roof

The weathervane was immobile for many years and the spindle became increasingly distorted due to storms. The entire assembly also notably loosened in the past year, and was in a poor aesthetic condition
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Rydym wedi dechrau adfer y ceiliog y gwynt griffwn ar do'r castell. Bu'r ceiliog gwynt yn ansymudol am flynyddoedd a’r gwerthyd yn afluniedig oherwydd stormydd. Mae'r strwythur cyfan wedi llacio'n sylweddol yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf ac roedd mewn cyflwr esthetig gwael.

Rydym wedi dechrau adfer y ceiliog y gwynt griffwn ar do'r castell.

Bu'r ceiliog gwynt yn ansymudol am flynyddoedd a’r gwerthyd yn afluniedig oherwydd stormydd. Mae'r strwythur cyfan wedi llacio'n sylweddol yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf ac roedd mewn cyflwr esthetig gwael.
The Cambrian Line 🚂 (@cambrianline) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🏰 Free Entry for Cadw #OpenDoors. It's the perfect time to visit extraordinary and treasured historical locations. Along the #CambrianLine ⬇️ 📍 Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis 14 September 📍 #HarlechCastle 28 & 29 September 📲 cadw.gov.wales/visit/whats-on…

🏰 Free Entry for <a href="/cadwwales/">Cadw</a> #OpenDoors. It's the perfect time to visit extraordinary and treasured historical locations. Along the #CambrianLine ⬇️

📍 <a href="/PowisCastleNT/">Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis</a> 14 September 
📍 #HarlechCastle 28 &amp; 29 September 

📲 cadw.gov.wales/visit/whats-on…
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Henry VIII Iron Bound Walnut Chest is one of the oldest pieces of furniture at the castle, as it is dated 1538. It is in the Long Gallery and is thought to be of French origin. Read more about the collection here: bit.ly/3ySITuH

The Henry VIII Iron Bound Walnut Chest is one of the oldest pieces of furniture at the castle, as it is dated 1538.

It is in the Long Gallery and is thought to be of French origin. Read more about the collection here: bit.ly/3ySITuH
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cist Cnau Ffrengig wedi'i Rhwymo â Haearn Harri VIII yw un o'r darnau dodrefn hynaf yn y castell, yn dyddio o 1538. Mae yn yr Oriel Hir a chredir ei fod o darddiad Ffrengig. Darllenwch ragor am y casgliad yma: bit.ly/3ySITuH

Cist Cnau Ffrengig wedi'i Rhwymo â Haearn Harri VIII yw un o'r darnau dodrefn hynaf yn y castell, yn dyddio o 1538.

Mae yn yr Oriel Hir a chredir ei fod o darddiad Ffrengig. Darllenwch ragor am y casgliad yma: bit.ly/3ySITuH
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ar Dydd Sadwrn, fe fydd hi’n ddiwrnod Drysau Agored yng Nghastell a Gardd Powis. Bydd ni'n ar agor o 10am tan 5pm, ac ni fydd yn rhaid trefnu lle ymlaen llaw. Darllenwch mwy am Drysau Agored yng Nghastell a Gardd Powis yma: bit.ly/3AX1kie

Ar Dydd Sadwrn, fe fydd hi’n ddiwrnod Drysau Agored yng Nghastell a Gardd Powis. 
Bydd ni'n ar agor o 10am tan 5pm, ac ni fydd yn rhaid trefnu lle ymlaen llaw. 
Darllenwch mwy am Drysau Agored yng Nghastell a Gardd Powis yma: bit.ly/3AX1kie
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Saturday is Open Doors at Powis Castle and Garden. We will be open from 10am to 5pm and there is no pre-booking. Read more about Open Doors at Powis Castle and Garden here: bit.ly/3AX1kie

Saturday is Open Doors at Powis Castle and Garden.
We will be open from 10am to 5pm and there is no pre-booking.
Read more about Open Doors at Powis Castle and Garden here: bit.ly/3AX1kie
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mewn cydweithrediad ag Artes Mundi a Daniel Trivedy, rydym wedi dangos yr arddangosfa Teigr yn y Castell, sy’n archwilio hanes Casgliad De Asia. Gan fod teigrod yn cael eu hystyried yn fermin yn ystod gwladychu, mae'r arddangosfa yn ffurf ddeniadol a phwerus o aflonyddwch.

Mewn cydweithrediad ag <a href="/ArtesMundi/">Artes Mundi</a> a <a href="/DanielTrivedy/">Daniel Trivedy</a>, rydym wedi dangos yr arddangosfa Teigr yn y Castell, sy’n archwilio hanes Casgliad De Asia.

Gan fod teigrod yn cael eu hystyried yn fermin yn ystod gwladychu, mae'r arddangosfa yn ffurf ddeniadol a phwerus o aflonyddwch.
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In collaboration with Artes Mundi and Daniel Trivedy, we have shown the Tiger in the Castle exhibition, which explores the history of the South Asian Collection As tigers were considered vermin during colonisation, the exhibition is an engaging and powerful form of disruption.

In collaboration with <a href="/ArtesMundi/">Artes Mundi</a> and <a href="/DanielTrivedy/">Daniel Trivedy</a>, we have shown the Tiger in the Castle exhibition, which explores the history of the South Asian Collection

As tigers were considered vermin during colonisation, the exhibition is an engaging and powerful form of disruption.
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mae’r ceirw i’w gweld fwy a mwy ar Ystâd Powys o amgylch y castell a’r ardd Mae’r tymor rhidio yn dechrau cyn bo hir. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, mae’r ceirw gwrywaidd yn llawn testosteron Cadwch yn ddigon pell oddi wrth y ceirw a thynnwch eich lluniau’n ddigon pell i ffwrdd 📷Gary

Mae’r ceirw i’w gweld fwy a mwy ar Ystâd Powys o amgylch y castell a’r ardd
Mae’r tymor rhidio yn dechrau cyn bo hir. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, mae’r ceirw gwrywaidd yn llawn testosteron
Cadwch yn ddigon pell oddi wrth y ceirw a thynnwch   eich lluniau’n ddigon pell i ffwrdd
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The deer in the Powis Estate around the castle and garden are increasingly visible The rut season begins soon. During this time, the male deer are full of testosterone Please stay well clear of the deer and take photographs from distance 📷Gary

The deer in the Powis Estate around the castle and garden are increasingly visible
The rut season begins soon. During this time, the male deer are full of testosterone
Please stay well clear of the deer and take photographs from distance
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There’s one week to go before we open our garden for Mindfulness Walks, which are guided by Stress Management Coach Catherine Waterfall. Starting at 9.30am, take time to stand still, unwind and immerse yourself in a peaceful landscape. Book your place: bit.ly/466Ulit

There’s one week to go before we open our garden for Mindfulness Walks, which are guided by Stress Management Coach Catherine Waterfall. Starting at 9.30am, take time to stand still, unwind and immerse yourself in a peaceful landscape. Book your place: bit.ly/466Ulit
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Un wythnos yn unig sydd ar ôl nes y byddwn yn agor ein gardd ar gyfer Teithiau Cerdded Ymwybyddiaeth Ofalgar, dan arweiniad yr Hyfforddwr Rheoli Straen, Catherine Waterfall Yn dechrau am 9.30am, cymerwch amser i sefyll yn stond, ymlacio ac ymgolli mewn tirwedd heddychlon

Un wythnos yn unig sydd ar ôl nes y byddwn yn agor   ein gardd ar gyfer Teithiau Cerdded Ymwybyddiaeth Ofalgar, dan arweiniad yr Hyfforddwr Rheoli Straen, Catherine Waterfall 
Yn dechrau am 9.30am, cymerwch amser i sefyll yn stond, ymlacio ac ymgolli mewn tirwedd heddychlon
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Throughout September and October, we are running Trail in a Bag. It's perfect for explorers of all ages, as it's a self-guided trail that offers a unique way to engage with nature in our world-famous garden Trail in a Bag is free with entry; ask for a bag at the ticket office.

Throughout September and October, we are running Trail in a Bag. It's perfect for explorers of all ages, as it's a self-guided trail that offers a unique way to engage with nature in our world-famous garden

Trail in a Bag is free with entry; ask for a bag at the ticket office.
Powis Castle & Garden NT/YG Castell a Gardd Powis (@powiscastlent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mewn Hydref, rydym yn cynnal Tro mewn Bag. Mae’n berffaith i archwilwyr, oherwydd mae’n llwybr hunan-dywys sy’n cynnig ffordd unigryw o ymgysylltu â natur yn ein gardd fyd-enwog. Mae’r Tro mewn Bag yn rhad ac am ddim pan ddewch i mewn; gofynnwch am fag yn y swyddfa docynnau.

Mewn Hydref, rydym yn cynnal Tro mewn Bag. Mae’n berffaith i archwilwyr, oherwydd mae’n llwybr hunan-dywys sy’n cynnig ffordd unigryw o ymgysylltu â natur yn ein gardd fyd-enwog. Mae’r Tro mewn Bag yn rhad ac am ddim pan ddewch i mewn; gofynnwch am fag yn y swyddfa docynnau.