PKD Research Resource Consortium
We accelerate discovery in the field of Polycystic Kidney Disease through innovation and resource sharing. #PolycysticKidneyDisease @NIHfunding #kidneydisease
ID: 1381267888359800837
http://pkd-rrc.org 11-04-2021 15:29:03
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Check out the protocol which we have thoroughly validated and used in our recent Cell Metabolism work developed at Ben Humphreys ! The optimizations allowed us to extract hundreds of thousands of nuclei from kidney biopsies and perform split-pool barcoding multiomics sequencing!

A new study illuminates the function of the kidney-specific WNK1 isoform using cell-specific knockout. Deletion of KS-WNK1 promotes NCC activation and ROMK suppression by increasing WNK1/4 abundance | American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.115ā¦

It is a distinct pleasure to be recognized by the PKD Foundation for our work in neural control in PKD. It is a remarkably rewarding field of research, and we can't wait to see where our studies lead! If you have any questions on the science - you know where to find me! #EndPKD

NKF President Sylvia Rosas,MD,MSCE spoke with @bhminfo to explain why African Americans are 3x more likely to end up on dialysis than non-blacks, and why Hispanics are 2.5% more likely. #KIDNEYEQUITYFORALL blackhealthmatters.com/whats-race-gotā¦

Check out the beautiful story about how living donor Rumby travelled across the globe to donate to their cousin, Kuda. (shared by Marlo M. Miller) #kidneytransplant #livingdonor