Biologist @CNRS @LRSV_Toulouse working on #symbiosis and #evolution | @ERC_research | @ENSA_project | @EMBO_YIP
ID: 2441709366 13-04-2014 13:25:53
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[APPEL AUX SCIENTIFIQUES FRANCOPHONES] RT pour l'amour des sciences 🙏 Tous les matins sur France Culture, je fais parler un.e d'une étude qui vient de paraître dans son domaine, souvent une dont il est co-auteur.trice mais pas toujours.

New insights into the evolution of land plants and the mechanisms that allowed their adaptation to terrestrial environments by Hugues Renault ( (from CNRS_IBMP) and collaborators, published in The EMBO Journal ! Please RT ! ▶️…

An incredible final thesis chapter from rising photosynthesis star Jacques Bouvier We had a crazy idea that we could engineer improved water use efficiency in plants by altering the NAD(H)/NADP(H) pools in stomatal precursor cells... and it worked!…

Latest paper from the lab just out at Plant Cell & Environment The function of SOBIR1 in plant symbiosis and immunity by Baptiste Sarette christophe jacquet Clare Gough Nicolas Pauly et al.…

...and I take this opportunity to remind everyone that there is an open 'focus issue' on #phylogenomics The Plant Cell ▶️… All plants are welcomed (and even algae 🤯!) Don't hesitate to DM if you have questions about it!

An efficient and effective RNA extraction protocol for #ferns🌿 New in #AppsPlantSci by Jessie Pelosi, Davenport, Barbazuk, Dr. Emily Sessa 🌿🔬 & Kuo… @WileyPlantSci #RNAextraction #botany #PlantJoy #iamabotanist