Patch My PC
We develop a third-party #patch and application management solution for #Microsoft #ConfigMgr and #MSIntune. Learn more at patchmypc.com
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https://patchmypc.com/ 07-01-2015 05:26:33
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For our next #meetup we will have Joost Gelijsteen | MVP and Rudy Ooms | MVP 🇳🇱 (from Patch My PC ) talk about: All the MDM hardening we can(not) see Please RSVP here, and we hope to see you next month: meetup.com/nl-NL/wpninjas…

You've got 413 days left to deploy Windows 11 Join us tomorrow as the Patch My PC Advanced Insights team covers #ConfigMgr, Adam Nichols covers #Autopatch/#Intune, and Jörgen Nilsson tells us how it _really_ goes down. patchmypc.com/win10-win11-re…

Join us Wednesday as we welcome Adam Nichols and Jörgen Nilsson as guest speakers, hosting alongside #PatchMyPC Engineers John Quirk and Gavin Speed. They're here to ensure you feel confident about a smooth migration for Windows 10 end-of-life. Tune in with us 👇 pmpc.link/win10-11-readi…

Hi Patch My PC 🙃 Thank you! For sending me these gifts, simply because I have asked a question under one of the posts. You Patch My PC are so cool 😎

New Post | Learn how to create Patch My PC publisher security role in #ConfigMgr #SCCM - prajwaldesai.com/patch-my-pc-pu…

Marcin Chwała Patch My PC We've just started using them. I cannot believe how easy it is making app management, we thought we had it in hand, but thanks to Patch My PC we are taking it up several levels!!

Heading out to Workplace Ninjas Switzerland? Listen up; this one's for you! We're hosting a boat cruise for attendees, but SPOTS ARE LIMITED. We're sure it will be an unforgettable night with the #community, so act fast to reserve your spot! Link to register in comments 👇 #WPNinjaCH #PatchMyPC

It's almost that time again when #PatchTuesday enthusiasts commiserate! Join us on September 12th as we host another support group. We'll welcome guest speaker Alon Leviev from SafeBreach, who will share his findings for the #Windows Update downgrade attacks. pmpc.link/ptsg-september…