Palliative Care WA
Palliative Care WA is the Western Australian peak body for palliative care
ID: 2472285576 01-05-2014 10:34:59
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Our team presented at the fantastic ‘Doing death differently’ Palliative Care Summit in WA this week. Showing how our program can help aged care homes ‘do death differently’ for residents & their families Palliative Care WA Australian Department of Health and Aged Care #PalliativeCare
Remember: a #palliative approach to #care starts at the time of diagnosis! Elissa Campbell shares the importance of taking an upstream approach to improve the journey 🍂 Palliative Care WA 🎧 Click here to listen: #waitingroomrev #MedEd #MedTwitter
As part of Australian Advance Care Planning (ACP) Week from 20-26 March 2023, Palliative Care WA Palliative Care WA will hold two ACP workshops 21 & 23 March, 10am-12pm. More information & registration details are available here: #PatientCare #CarePlanning
We are looking for a new CEO at Palliative Care WA. We have an awesome team and a brilliant Board so please share with anyone you think would like to lead our peak body in our mission of access to quality palliative care for all Western Australians
Do you know an excellent #PalliativeCare team, professional, volunteer or community? Please nominate them for a Palliative Care WA Palliative Care in WA award!… Thanks to Silverchain & our category sponsors 🙏🏼
Join us Wed 20 Sept 4pm AEST for #palspectives In conversation with Dr Christine Sanderson #palliativecare specialist Alice Springs UniMelb Centre for Cancer Research UTS Cancer Council Victoria Pallcarevic Palliative Care Tasmania Palliative Care WA Palliative Care Qld Palliative Care ACT Palliative Care NSW Register
It’s great to see so much excellent WA research being presented at #23OPCC Including Board Members Bernadette Novak & Elissa Campbell
Prof Samar Aoun, Palliative Care WA Board member & Perron Institute UWA Professor of #PalliativeCare, presenting a #23OPCC plenary on #CompassionateCommunities in SW WA
The 7 Steps have been incorporated into the newest version of Palliative Care WA’s Palliative Caring booklet, which is given free to thousands of W Australians living with life limiting illness #23OPCC
“If we make #palliativecare better for people with #dementia, we make it better for everyone” Elissa Campbell 🙏#230PCC
Finally home after #23OPCC & reflecting on highlights. It was an incredible opportunity to share with the whole conference about why people with #dementia deserve better #PalliativeCare, to present my Winston Churchill Trust (Australia) Fellowship findings, & to follow up with a panel
Connecting with friends & colleagues, new & old from across the world… including those from home on Noongar Boodja. With award nominees Susie & Gary (& Peppi!) from Ambulance Wish WA Ambulance Wish WA plus fellow Palliative Care WA Board member Perron Institute Prof Samar Aoun #23OPCC
As part of National Palliative Care Week, Tammy McGrath from WA Country Health Service, shares “her calling” for raising awareness about cultural practices when working with Aboriginal communities at end of life: #MattersOfLifeAndDeath Palliative Care Australia
What a lovely way to start the day, with a beautiful Perth 🇦🇺 sunrise and Palliative Care WA breakfast, including excellent talks by Prof. Samar Aoun and Julian Abel on #CompassionateCommunities. ❤️#PalliativeCare