Pro Skills Baseball
Pro Skills Baseball | Former Pro Player | CPT | FMS 1 & 2 | OnBaseU Hitting/Pitching | FRCms | FRA | Rapsodo Certified | Biomechanical Specialist
ID: 2495408874
https://linktr.ee/Proskillsbaseball 15-05-2014 01:15:46
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2-0 weekend for Pro Skills at the All Star NJ Showcase. Finished game one 3-3 with a 2B. Last event of the summer at Big Show next week! Pro Skills Baseball FLATGROUND Hitting Chiefsstylebaseball Prep Baseball Uncommitted

Had a great experience Salisbury Baseball prospect camp today! Huge thank you to Austin Heenan, MPM for hosting a terrific event. Attached is a pullside 2B and backside 1B from gameplay!

Last swing of my 17u summer, a stand up triple to straight away CF. I’m extremely grateful to have been part of this amazing organization for the last 2.5 years! Pro Skills Baseball FLATGROUND Hitting Prep Baseball Uncommitted

Had a great first summer season with Proskills baseball. Here is a standup triple at the MSI showcase this weekend. I also threw 2 hitless innings with 4 strikeouts. Final 16U summer stats: .347, 25-72, 21 RBIs, 7 doubles, 2 triples, 1 HR and 2Ks in 72 ABs Pro Skills Baseball

Summer ball ✅ Huge thank you to my coaches and parents who made this season possible! Tallied 38 hits including 17 XBH (11 2B, 5 3B, HR) Pro Skills Baseball Prep Baseball Uncommitted FLATGROUND Hitting Chiefsstylebaseball

Had a great 16u season and looking forward to the fall. I went 5-8 this weekend at the University of Delaware. Here is a double from the showcase. Summer Stats: .351 AVG .485 OBP .979 OPS 9 Doubles 1 Homerun 1 Triple 20 RBIS 18 BB Uncommitted Baseball Athletes Pro Skills Baseball Moorestown Baseball

Here’s some of my swings from this summer season. Thanks to Pro Skills Baseball for giving me the opportunity. Baseball_Uncommitted Prep Baseball Uncommitted Email- [email protected] Cell- 856-444-0270

Had a great time & got a lot of good work in at the Seton Hall University Baseball yesterday. Thank you to SHU coaches for such a great opportunity. Here is a clip of a 1B up the middle & 1 of my strikeouts. RV Baseball ⚾️ 1-1 Pitching Pro Skills Baseball

I’m excited to announce my commitment to Penn State Abington. I would like to thank my family and coaches who helped me get here. PSU Abington Baseball Pro Skills Baseball CHEBaseball

Full video of all my hits over the summer. Some fielding videos at the end. Along with a couple highschool swings in there. Can’t Waite for this fall and offseason! Shawn Kahre Pro Skills Baseball Lenape High School Baseball

Had a great start to my fall 17U season. Was 7-8 this weekend with 4 doubles, 3 singles, 2 BBs and 3 RBIs. Pro Skills Baseball Lenape High School Baseball Baseball_Uncommitted PG Mid Atlantic (NY, NJ, PA, MD,DE,DC) CF Uncommitted Baseball

Had a great weekend at PG Staten Island, looking forward to Big Show next week. I went 6/10 with 1 HR, 4 2Bs, 1 1B, and 2 BBs. Here are some of the swings. Moorestown Baseball PG Mid Atlantic (NY, NJ, PA, MD,DE,DC) Pro Skills Baseball Uncommitted Baseball Athletes

I had a great weekend at PG Staten Island going 5-10 with 2 2b’s 3 1b’s. Pro Skills Baseball Chiefsstylebaseball

I’m excited to announce my commitment to further my academic and athletic career playing baseball at Penn State Abington. I want to thank my family, friends, and coaches who’ve helped me along the way! PSU Abington Baseball Haddon Heights Baseball Pro Skills Baseball

Good swings from my game on Saturday night at big show. Double down the line and a ball to center field wall. Pro Skills Baseball Moorestown Baseball Julian Rickert Dave Lorber Prep Baseball Uncommitted