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Real recognize Real💯 Congratulations brother 🇳🇬 Michael Fasusi 🇳🇬 Looking forward too competing against you one day!!! Southeastern Conference

Ball skills🫡 summer work paying off Brandon Collier PPIRECRUITS

NEW PR: 200lbs Power clean💪 PPIRECRUITS Brandon Collier Matt Vogel Bryan K. Chung Christophe Mulumba T Linebacker Prototype ™ Nate Paxton

Early c/o25 Rb 188 lbs 4,5 40 dash 3.9 shuttle 3.2 GPA Brandon Collier Coach Josh Alaeze Nürnberg Rams Academy hudl.com/v/2PVgtY

Surreal my guy on front page of the Steelers page!! Wow!! PPIRECRUITS

6’6 280lbs Silas Tiedermann . First year playing OL as he was a former DT. Baby face assassin with a mean streak. Dominated this year playing against grown men, film coming this week an it’s full of pancakes and people in the dirt. Nürnberg Rams Academy Brandon Collier PPIRECRUITS

We have a lot of International players starting and or playing significant roles for major college football programs!! If I recommend a kid then let’s take it serious!!! I’m about to drop some top names now on PPIRECRUITS

4th & 1 Goal Line Stop. Game Changing Play!! Brandon Collier Crean Lutheran Football davedbenefield

Tempo’d work with Jaco Pegha 🇨🇲 . Slow an controlled shows proper understanding Brandon Collier PPIRECRUITS Nürnberg Rams Academy

WOAH!!!! 5 ⭐️ Valdin ”Vee” Sone with the Sack FF!!! This kid will be the best DL in the class of ‘27!!! It’s not fair to be that big and that fast!!!! PPIRECRUITS

Look at my 1st play against Dresden Coach Dyl PPIRECRUITS Brandon Collier

Received my August SAT results. Scored a 1460. Coach Josh Alaeze Nürnberg Rams Academy Brandon Collier PPIRECRUITS

Great ending to a good max week. Squatting 450 pounds Brandon Collier PPIRECRUITS RIG Football Andreas Ehrenreich

Blessed to receive a JUCO offer from North Vermillion Coach Busby Tyree Johnson Matthew Collins Brandon Collier PPIRECRUITS