Project MUrFor
MUrFor– Managing sustainable sea urchin fishery and marine forest conservation
ID: 1605124523174596608
https://sites.google.com/view/murfor-biodiversa-plus-21/home?authuser=0 20-12-2022 08:55:18
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The #MURFOR project gets introduced to #BiodiversaPrague2023 attendees by Simone Farina. Learn more about Project MUrFor: biodiversa.eu/2023/04/19/mur…

🌊Ospiti negli studi di Radio Popolare i #ricercatori del #MUrFOR, che si sono alternati in un’interessante intervista che ha posto al centro dell’attenzione l’ #ecologia del #ricciodimare. 💧 🎙️Al link il #podcast: radiopopolare.it/trasmissione/c…

🌊Interview with Lotta Kluger at All about Germany | deutschland.de in which she talks about the importance of the project #MurFor in the conservation of #marineforests. deutschland.de/en/topic/envir… 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟 Universität Kiel CAU 🎓 CenterForOceanAndSociety Kiel Marine Science (KMS) Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn