Oyuka Byambasuren
🇲🇳MD, 🇦🇺MMedRes, PhD, Postdoc @Institute4EBH @BondUniversity. #mHealth, #healthapps, #EBP, #nondruginterventions, #LongCovid. 💙#Space
ID: 1257052699
10-03-2013 13:37:40
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Our final e-newsletter for 2022 is now available. This edition features: ✅Paul Glasziou awarded Highly Cited Researcher ✅News ✅Recent publications ✅Upcoming events ✅And more 🔗bond.edu.au/news/iebh-news… #IEBH #2022inreview #research #news Bond University
Such a wonderful news in fight against #superbugs and #antimicrobialresistance Congratulations Jeremy J Barr and team!
Our review on effect of covid-19 vaccination on long COVID is out now: bmjmedicine.bmj.com/content/2/1/e0… We found no trials on it, but data from 16 observational studies suggest that covid-19 vaccination could protect against long covid and might help those with a diagnosis of long covid.
😮 our paper was one of the most interesting papers of the year in BMJMedicine! 🎉 (it looked at effect of covid vaccines on long covid. Crux: it doesnt harm, potentially protective, even for people with long covid)
Findings of the latest #research published by BMJ Medicine suggest that #covid vaccines might have protective and therapeutic effects on long covid. ▶️ bit.ly/3TUBNMd #MedTwitter Oyuka Byambasuren
Our latest review compared telephone consultations with video telehealth consultations. Data from 16 RCTs show they were equally effective on clinical outcomes, patient and clinician satisfaction, and cost effectiveness.Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare jmir.org/2023/1/e49942
Access our review on clinical trials and their impact on policy during COVID-19 that addressed social value in conducting trials and policy uptake, issues with adaptive trial designs, model of good practice, and potential conflicts to avoid: wellcomeopenresearch.org/articles/9-20/… Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare