Bringing science to you! Look out for our videos and podcasts with researchers from @UniofOxford!
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In defense of basic science - my new video about how we balance basic vs. translational science: youtu.be/yl6ETxRfQn8?si…. . And why we should encourage a culture of wandering to solve problems:. A team effort between University of Oxford and OxfordSparks.

The Rhino Fertility Project at Oxford Sparks Live! 🦏 Hear from Williams Lab - Oxford 🦏 who is using research into ovarian dysfunction to help save the northern white rhino. 🎥 Watch here: bit.ly/47FdiIw Join us at the Begbroke Science Wonder Garden Party on 13th July!

🌜⏱️Ever thought about what time it is on the moon? OxfordSparks explains ⬇️

Pandemics: Unanswered Questions at Oxford Sparks Live! Cillian Gartlan explains how Covid-19 vaccines were developed so fast, why so many viruses come from bats and how likely a future pandemic is. 🎥 bit.ly/pandemic-unans… Begbroke Science Wonder Garden Party - 13th July!

Check out this video with Ludwig University of Oxford's richard white!

WildCRU’s Chrishen Gomez will be sharing fun & fascinating insights into Sunda #cloudedleopard research in Borneo at the Begbroke Science Park Garden Party this Saturday. He is part of the OxfordSparks panel discussion 1-2pm. It’s a FREE event! More info here: bit.ly/4cyj8yk

📣 Looking for some fun science activities this summer? Come to Begbroke Science Park's Science Wonder Garden Party this Saturday! Take part in experiments, lab tours, interactive talks, trails, science carnival games and art and science workshops. 📅 13th July

Corals: On the Edge of Existence at Oxford Sparks Live! 🌊 Join us Begbroke Science Park Wonder Garden Party (13 July) to hear Bry Wilson calling live from the British Virgin Islands, Caribbean, to share his work saving coral reefs from extinction. 🎥ow.ly/o8J250Szvk4

“I’m a scientist and I study cancer. But sometimes I go for a wander”. Richard White from Ludwig Cancer Nuffield Department of Medicine is a cancer biologist searching for a cure in the unlikeliest of places. Watch the new OxfordSparks video 👇 youtu.be/yl6ETxRfQn8

Oxford Cancer DPhil in Cancer Science student, Giamp Valenzano, recently joined forces with OxfordSparks to deliver a video explaining how his research on immunotherapy aims to help treat cancer. Check it out on our website ⬇️ cancer.ox.ac.uk/news/immunothe…

Borneo's Sunda Clouded Leopards at Oxford Sparks Live! Hear from Chrishen Gomez (WildCRU, Oxford) about his experience of tracking clouded leopards to uncover the impact of habitat fragmentation on genetics. Join us at the Begbroke Science Park Wonder Garden Party tomorrow to learn more!

Summer is here! But how do we keep our homes cool without air conditioning? ☀️ Nicole_Miranda shares energy-efficient and eco-friendly tips in the final episode of the season. Thanks for listening! 🎧 bit.ly/keeping-cool-t… Engineering Science, Oxford Oxford Martin School MPLSOxford University of Oxford

At OxfordSparks, we love sci com! The Diary of a Scientist project aims to unite scientists, journalists and artists to celebrate curiosity driving research. Check out the project by Joel Alves (Oxford School of Archaeology) and colleagues here 👉publico.pt/interactivos/d…

Do you want to learn something new? 💡 Check out our science podcasts to discover time on the moon, how we can use AI to talk to bees, the future of wine, how volcanoes work in space.... and so much more! Listen here👉ow.ly/nXNm50T12wV MPLSOxford University of Oxford

Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease, estimated to affect 250 million people worldwide. Goylette Chami (SchistoTrack) takes us to Uganda to see how researchers are tackling the disease. 🎥 youtu.be/sVXNitnk8UI Big Data Institute @oxford_ndph MPLSOxford University of Oxford

A great video just out about SchistoTrack by OxfordSparks showing the importance of running community-based cohort studies & teamwork across diverse disciplines to answer complex questions of global importance!