Welcome to the Twitter account for Our Voice and Rights Respecting Schools in Glasgow City Council @EdisGlasgow. #GlasgowSchoolsForum #RRSA #UNCRC
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22-08-2022 11:37:34
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Here are the latest Pupil Voice results from St Andrew's RC Secondary - Social Subjects These include our focus on 'you said, we did', showing the young people that we have listened to their suggestions for course improvements and made the changes #pupilleadership #alwaysimproving

Thank you to the 61 organisations for hosting 184 Glasgow City Council Career Ready S5 pupils on their paid internship. Could you help make a difference to more young people through this fantastic mentoring with internship programme? Here’s how to get involved: careerready.org.uk/1000Futures

Our first Primary EdIS Glasgow #Glasgowschoolsforums of the year, based on the UNCRC Articles 1. Widening Access Strathclyde Univ 2. St Patricks Primary - Pupil Participation 3. Micro Tyco 4. Certificates Morning forms.office.com/e/4kJQUpREBN Afternoon forms.office.com/e/6v7mCra18j

Our September Secondary EdIS Glasgow based on the UNCRC Articles 1. Widening Access programme/Partnership Programme Strathclyde University 2. St Andrews Secondary- Rights Respecting Schools Gold 3 Micro Tyco/Wildhearts Global 4. Certificates To Book forms.office.com/e/t6LkxdAwBT

Our Captains Ahmed and Millie with their Vice Captains, Amy and Dominic 🖤🤍💛 #TeamSTA #beCLEAR St Thomas Aquinas Mrs Ritchie

Very busy Primary Forum #Glasgowschoolsforum with Young Strathclyder EdIS Glasgow WildHearts Group St Patrick's Primary Sarah Richford Carolyn Davren OurVoice@GlasgowSchoolsForum

Lilly and Nivedya thoroughly enjoyed their morning at #Glasgowschoolsforum They particularly enjoyed the session with University of Strathclyde on UNCRC Article 1 for widening access opportunities. OurVoice@GlasgowSchoolsForum

We are proud of our P6 pupils who attended the Glasgow Schools Forum today. They returned to school with lots of ideas to share with their classes. #Glasgowschoolforum Gary Condie OurVoice@GlasgowSchoolsForum EdIS Glasgow

Dalmarnock Primary OurVoice@GlasgowSchoolsForum EdIS Glasgow Great to see you today👍

A great start to my week meeting some familiar faces 🤩🤩 Representing their school at Glasgow pupil forum Hampden School Gary Condie

Dunard Primary School and Nursery Class NOT @THIS Gary Condie So proud of all my wee superstars!!

Two of our Langfaulds Primary School & LCR P7 pupils had a wonderful time at the pupil forum in the City Chambers yesterday. They had the opportunity to discuss future pathways and Rights Respecting Schools OurVoice@GlasgowSchoolsForum EdIS Glasgow #pupilvoice

Rights Respecting Schools Going for Gold Support Group CPD open for booking on CPD Manager. Will take place in St Andrew's Secondary School next week on Wednesday 18/09/2024, starting at 15:30. Course Ref: GC RRSA Go Target Group : All school Staff Primary & Secondary welcome Gary Condie

Parkhill Secondary thank you for this morning business breakfast. Wonderful to hear about the young peoples achievements EdIS Glasgow DofEGlasgow @CareeReadyUK etc and the amazing partners you have. Especially liked seeing UNICEF UK Campaigns #RRSA Silver banner proudly displayed 👍👏👏