@oliver_karras@mstdn.social (@oliverkarras) 's Twitter Profile
@[email protected]


Oliver Karras works as a Researcher, Data Scientist, and Lecturer at the Data Science and Digital Libraries Research Group at TIB.

ID: 1012466218303778817

linkhttp://www.oliver-karras.de calendar_today28-06-2018 22:42:11

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441 Following

CHASE Conference (@chaseconf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎊 Congratulations to: Janet Burge Dr. Janet Burge Franz Zieris Lutz Prechelt Lutz Prechelt Maria Angela Ferrario Oliver Karras @[email protected] Ronnie De Souza Santos Ronnie de Souza Santos, Ph.D. Victoria Jackson greendinosaur for receiving the Distinguished Reviewer Award 🥇🎉

🎊 Congratulations to:

Janet Burge <a href="/JanetBurge/">Dr. Janet Burge</a> 
Franz Zieris 
Lutz Prechelt <a href="/prechelt/">Lutz Prechelt</a> 
Maria Angela Ferrario 
Oliver Karras <a href="/OliverKarras/">@oliver_karras@mstdn.social</a> 
Ronnie De Souza Santos <a href="/softwaronnie/">Ronnie de Souza Santos, Ph.D.</a> 
Victoria Jackson <a href="/greendinosaur10/">greendinosaur</a> 

for receiving the Distinguished Reviewer Award 🥇🎉
Lauren Snyder, PhD (@laurendsnyder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Exciting news for #FAIRdata! New #reborn approach allows researchers to make scientific findings human & machine-reusable from inception. Say goodbye to manual data entry & extraction👋 Want to try it out, have questions? Let's connect! Learn more: orkg.org/help-center/ar… #ORKG

Open Research Knowledge Graph (@orkg_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Attending our Research Knowledge Graph Symposium in May? Here are some of the topics that await you during our 1.5 day program. events.tib.eu/rkgsymposium20… In case you haven’t registered yet, visit events.tib.eu/rkgsymposium20…

Attending our Research Knowledge Graph Symposium in May? Here are some of the topics that await you during our 1.5 day program. events.tib.eu/rkgsymposium20…
In case you haven’t registered yet, visit events.tib.eu/rkgsymposium20…
CrowdRE'24 (@crowdrews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The CrowdRE'24 workshop program is now available on our website! A big thank you to all contributors and congratulations to all authors of accepted papers. Join our sessions on June 24th, and don't miss out on the fantastic keynote by Jennifer Horkoff at 14:00! crowdre.github.io/ws-2024/progra…

REFSQ 2025 (@wc_refsq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Well done, RE 2025! Take a breath and start preparing. Your next target #REFSQ25 is coming to #Barcelona, Spain from 7 to 10 April 2025. Xavier Franch Quim Motger Save approaching dates: *Workshops proposals Oct 25* *Research Papers Nov 8* And *Open Science Participation Nov 8*

Well done, <a href="/ieee_re/">RE 2025</a>! Take a breath and start preparing. Your next target #REFSQ25 is coming to #Barcelona, Spain from 7 to 10 April 2025. <a href="/FranchXavier/">Xavier Franch</a> <a href="/QuimMotger/">Quim Motger</a> 
Save approaching dates:
*Workshops proposals Oct 25*
*Research Papers Nov 8*
And *Open Science Participation Nov 8*
Grischa Liebel (he/him) (@grischali) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Almost two years of planning and organisation have come to an end on Friday, wrapping up #RE24 here in Reykjavik. It was a privilege bringing this conference here to Reykjavik University. Thanks to all attendees. Now some work, a triathlon race, and then vacation. RE 2025

Almost two years of planning and organisation have come to an end on Friday, wrapping up #RE24 here in Reykjavik. It was a privilege bringing this conference here to Reykjavik University. Thanks to all attendees. Now some work, a triathlon race, and then vacation. <a href="/ieee_re/">RE 2025</a>
@soeren_auer@mstdn.social (@soerenauer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ask your (research) question against 76 Million scientific articles: ask.orkg.org Open Research Knowledge Graph ASK (Assistant for Scientific Knowledge) uses vector #embeddings to find the most relevant papers and an open-source #LLM to synthesize the answer for you.

Sylwia Kopczyńska (@skopczynska) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Do you work in soft. development? Have you ever created a product video for a software product (short video showcasing the main features and explaining what the product is about)?If so, please share your experience using our short 10-minute long survey: lnkd.in/dXwiHukG