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OU Press


For more than 90 years, the University of Oklahoma Press has been internationally recognized as an outstanding publisher of scholarly literature.

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OU Press (@oupress) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Headed out to newsstands and subscribers now! The October special Women of the West issue of Cowboys & Indians features OUP author Loretta Barrett Oden and CORN DANCE! Many thanks to the C&I editorial team for such a gorgeous (and tasty looking) spread.

Headed out to newsstands and subscribers now! The October special Women of the West issue of <a href="/CI_Magazine/">Cowboys & Indians</a> features OUP author Loretta Barrett Oden and CORN DANCE! Many thanks to the C&amp;I editorial team for such a gorgeous (and tasty looking) spread.
OU Press (@oupress) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're in a Midwest Moment and who better to lead us through than OUP author Jon Lauck and his book THE GOOD COUNTRY. oupress.com/9780806190648/…

OU Press (@oupress) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Summer's not over just yet! There's still time to get out and explore and we cannot recommend HERE TODAY highly enough. oupress.com/9780806193724/…

Derek Krissoff (@derekkrissoff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As we come up on the one-year anniversary of Jim Lang and Michelle Miller's higher ed series launching at Oklahoma, I want to amplify Cate's point—everyone at OU Press is fantastic, and I think they're giving series books and authors the attention and thoughtfulness they deserve.

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That’s our book! Thank you, Kirkus Reviews! Want to read THE BONE PICKER before its publication on October 8th? Request a copy on Edelweiss or send us a message!

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OUP author Monika Maeckle had her first book event this weekend at Maria's Bookshop in Durango. Many thanks to all who stopped by and to the bookstore staff that makes events like this possible! Still need a copy? Grab it here - oupress.com/9780806194561/…

OUP author <a href="/monikam/">Monika Maeckle</a> had her first book event this weekend at <a href="/MariasBookshop/">Maria's Bookshop</a> in Durango. Many thanks to all who stopped by and to the bookstore staff that makes events like this possible! Still need a copy? Grab it here - oupress.com/9780806194561/…
Cate Denial (@cjdenial) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am on leave this fall, so if you've been looking for an October - December speaker, check out my page at redbrickagency.com/cate-denial/!

Lance R Blyth (@mtn_war) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Expanding on what mountaineering and climbing training was done by US troops in the Second World War, which I cover in _Ski, Climb, Fight_ (link in profile). After ski training and winter maneuvers on Rainer in the winter of 1942, the 87th Mountain Infantry sought to carry out

Expanding on what mountaineering and climbing training was done by US troops in the Second World War, which I cover in _Ski, Climb, Fight_ (link in profile).

After ski training and winter maneuvers on Rainer in the winter of 1942, the 87th Mountain Infantry sought to carry out
University of Oklahoma (@uofoklahoma) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEWS: OU Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture recently celebrated the successful opening of its new exhibition — Outré West: The American School of Architecture from Oklahoma to California — at @okcontemporary. 🔗 link.ou.edu/4cLgZyx

NEWS: <a href="/GibbsSooner/">OU Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture</a> recently celebrated the successful opening of its new exhibition — Outré West: The American School of Architecture from Oklahoma to California — at @okcontemporary.

đź”— link.ou.edu/4cLgZyx
Oklahoma Historical Society (@okhistory) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ponca City friends! Join us today at the Pioneer Woman Museum for a FREE presentation by author Connie Cronley (citizen of Cherokee Nation). She will discuss her book “A Life on Fire: Oklahoma’s Kate Barnard” 📖 We'll see you at 1:30pm!

Ponca City friends! Join us today at the Pioneer Woman Museum for a FREE presentation by author Connie Cronley (citizen of <a href="/CherokeeNation/">Cherokee Nation</a>). She will discuss her book “A Life on Fire: Oklahoma’s Kate Barnard” 📖
We'll see you at 1:30pm!
Tara Blume (@tcblume) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's worth a moment to check out Galen's Labor Day piece on Kate Barnard. She helped write the OK Constitution and made enemies while championing public education, juvenile justice, organized labor, and tribal orphans robbed of their allotments. (1/3) kfor.com/news/great-sta…

It's worth a moment to check out Galen's Labor Day piece on Kate Barnard. She helped write the OK Constitution and made enemies while championing public education, juvenile justice, organized labor, and tribal orphans robbed of their allotments. (1/3)
OU Press (@oupress) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Out Now! "Empires and Indigenous Peoples: Comparing Ancient Roman and North American Experiences" edited by Michael Maas and Fay A. Yarbrough. oupress.com/9780806194523/…

Out Now! "Empires and Indigenous Peoples: Comparing Ancient Roman and North American Experiences" edited by Michael Maas and Fay A. Yarbrough. oupress.com/9780806194523/…
Lance R Blyth (@mtn_war) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As I cover in _Ski, Climb, Fight_ from OU Press (link in bio), at the end of August 1943 the 10th Light Division, recently activated at Camp Hale, directed all nine infantry battalions in succession attend a week-long "Mountaineering School" from 30 August to 16 October,

As I cover in _Ski, Climb, Fight_ from <a href="/OUPress/">OU Press</a> (link in bio), at the end of August 1943 the 10th Light Division, recently activated at Camp Hale, directed all nine infantry battalions in succession attend a week-long "Mountaineering School" from 30 August to 16 October,
OU Press (@oupress) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Save the Date! If you're in the Norman area on 9/14, head over to the Sam Noble Museum for their Curiousiday: Monarch Marvels starting at 10am! We have it on good authority that Monika Maeckle's new book will be featured along with some other goodies! samnoblemuseum.ou.edu/calendar/curio…

Save the Date! If you're in the Norman area on 9/14, head over to the <a href="/SamNobleMuseum/">Sam Noble Museum</a> for their Curiousiday: Monarch Marvels starting at 10am! We have it on good authority that <a href="/monikam/">Monika Maeckle</a>'s new book will be featured along with some other goodies! samnoblemuseum.ou.edu/calendar/curio…
OU Press (@oupress) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Perfect back to school reading! And we're only a little bit biased that Cate Denial is a featured source. Thank you for sharing Derek Krissoff and to the The Chronicle of Higher Education for another essential article!

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It's time! This Saturday make sure you visit the bookstores of Central Oklahoma, including the OKC metro area, and beyond! Follow @CentralOKBookTrail on Instagram to learn more instagram.com/centralokbookt…

It's time! This Saturday make sure you visit the bookstores of Central Oklahoma, including the OKC metro area, and beyond! Follow @CentralOKBookTrail on Instagram to learn more instagram.com/centralokbookt…