Center for Open Science
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https://cos.io 04-11-2011 16:45:25
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Out now in Evidence-Based Toxicology: Quick letter on the policy, (meta) experiment, and the Trojan horse hidden in the Center for Open Science Registered Revisions project! w/ Tim Errington, Macie Daley, Paul Whaley (Paul Whaley 👍), and Brian Nosek (Brian Nosek (@[email protected])) tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…

Register for our September 4 webinar with Savannah Lewis & Miguel Silan 🌸 (Psychological Science Accelerator), Olivia Miske (Center for Open Science), Tilbe Göksun and learn how to form and maintain international collaborations member.psychologicalscience.org/events/event-d… #AcademicChatter #APSGlobal #Science

We're proud to help power initiatives like this one at UoM Library, highlighted on the Center for Open Science blog: cos.io/blog/universit… #openscience #datasharing #OpenData

🚀 Job Opportunity: Founding Program Manager for a Metascience Alliance Center for Open Science This role is ideal for an experienced metascience researcher or practitioner to develop a strong community of practice across sectors. Find out more: researchonresearch.org/cos-founding-p…