The ONE in 5000 Foundation is a not-for-profit which provides awareness and understanding to anyone affected by Imperforate Anus/Anorectal Malformation (IA/ARM)
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http://www.onein5000foundation.org 15-08-2017 10:04:07
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This is an outstanding article by Laurita Tellado ✨ which conveys the realities of what those of us suffering from bowel #incontinence have to deal with, from people who use “toilet humour” as a coping mechanism for the uncomfortable topic ONEin5000Foundation medium.com/p/why-your-jok…

Come and join our Paediatric Surgical team at The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne in 2021. Applications close on 8th May. RCH Paed Surgery Marc Levitt Richard Wood ANZAPS

The ONEin5000Foundation global family are proud to be made up of all races, creeds, colors from countries from all across the world, as because IA/ARM doesn’t discriminate, we would NEVER either. We’re all in this together no matter color, ethnicity or socia-economic situation🧡💙🖤

This is a much needed discussion to be had in the #pediatric community. In 2019 we did an online survey with over 500 responses on how families identify there child’s condition. Results were 79% #imperforateanus 16% #anorectalmalformation 5% #vacterl DoctorsPenaBischoff Greg Ryan OAM

Syed Husain @OSUSurgery Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital We think it should be @OSUSurgery and Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital! Pediatric colorectal congenital patients require complex multidisciplinary care into adulthood. We have an elective Peds colorectal rotation @OSUSurgery incorporated into our adult CRS fellowship ONEin5000Foundation

Symposium of Western Australian Neuroscience Stamp Hao Lab UniMelb MDHS What a power “couple”! It’s my pleasure and privilege to collaborate with Stamp Hao Lab to find a cure for Hirschsprung disease. The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) UniMelb MDHS RCH Foundation @help4HD_ ONEin5000Foundation

Eugene, it was such a honour to be with you all at Department of Surgery at Cedars-Sinai Your new hospital is beautiful, and your team was so welcoming. Always great to talk about colorectal conditions in children, and particularly GI motility The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) ONEin5000Foundation Dr Eric Levi

Join us at the PCPLC Peds Colorectal | PCPLC meeting - Nov 15-17 in Arizona. pcplcmeeting.com abstract submission open! #pcplc2023 #pedscolorectal